Content Posted in 2019
A case study on the effects of functional exercises in improving quality of life (QOL) in a patient diagnosed with glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), Kathy Nguyen, Savonna Reed, Sepehr Rezaei, Vanessa Rindge-Silvas, and Brianne Bozzella
A Delphi Study to Develop a National Survey of Accessibility of Medical Instrumentation, Jill M.W. Winters, Molly Folette Story, Kris Barkenow, Brenda Premo, June Isaacson Kailes, Erin Schwier, Jack M. Winters, and Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Accessible Medical Instrumentation
A Different Instructional Model to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Gross and Applied Anatomy for Physical Therapy Students, Cherie Peters-Brinkerhof and Christine Mary Childers
Adults with Disabilities in Medi-Cal: The Beneficiary Perspective, Brenda Premo, June Issaacson Kailes, Erin Schwier, Curtis Richards, and Center for Disability Issues and the Health Professions
Aging with the FMR1 Gene: A Life Course Perspective, Cornelia Lieb-Lundell
A National Survey of Accessibility of Medical Instrumentation, Molly Follette Story, Jill M.W. Winters, June Isaacson Kailes, Erin Schwier, Jack M. Winters, and Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Accessible Medical Instrumentation
Anatomy of an Exhibit: The Academic Library as Place of Self-Instruction, Matthew Chase
Anatomy of an Exhibit: The Academic Library as Place of Self-Instruction, Matthew Chase
Anti-gravity Treadmill Training with 19-year-old Soccer Player Status Post-leukemia, Britni Barber and Lisa Chase
Are You Ready to get High? High Repetition Exercise for Radial Nerve Palsy, Tayler Adams and Matthew L. Daugherty
A scoping review of biopsychosocial risk factors and co-morbidities for common spinal disorders, Bart N Green, Claire D Johnson, Scott Haldeman, Erin Griffith, Michael B Clay, Edward J Kane, Juan M Castellote, Shanmuganathan Rajasekaran, Matthew Smuck, Eric L Hurwitz, Kristi Randhawa, Hainan Yu, and Margareta Nordin
Assessing Workplace Wellness for the Occupation of Hairdressing, Alex Kim
Assessment of Library Instruction at the University of St. Augustine: A Mixed-Methods Analysis, Julie Evener
Asynchronous video and the development of instructor social presence and student engagement, Kayla Collins, Shannon Groff, Cindy Mathena, and Lori Kupczynski
Breast injuries in female collegiate basketball, soccer, softball and volleyball athletes: Prevalence, type and impact on sports participation, Laura J Smith, Tamara D Eichelberger, and Edward J Kane
Breast injury during sport participation, Laura J. Smith, Tamara Eichelberger, Elizabeth Miller, and Edward J Kane
Caregiver perspectives on body-weight supported treadmill training as an intervention for young children with cerebral palsy, Megan Flores and Carolyn Da Silva
Case Study: Effects of Psychosocial Factors on a Geriatric Patient with Guillain Barré Syndrome, Keane Evangelista, Mary Pent Hunter, Jessica Phung, Aum Tejani, and Lee Anne H. Robotta
Cohesive Integration of E-Learning in Nursing Leadership Reality, Amanda Savage, Jessica Jose, and Amy Herrington
Comparação das habilidades motoras em crianças com Síndrome de Down e crianças sem distúrbios de desenvolvimento [Comparison of motor skills in children with Down Syndrome and children without developmental disorders], Laura de Moura Rodrigues, Edla da Silva, Juliana Saccol Martins, and Patricia Pereira
Conservative Therapy of Patient with Dyspareunia in a Post-menopausal State with Co-morbidities Including Previous Breast Cancer and Valve Replacement: A Case Report, D. DiToro, M. Mason-Cover, C. Hazelton, Annie Burke-Doe, and Marilyn Miller
Conversation therapy for aphasia: a qualitative review of the literature., Nina Simmons-Mackie, Meghan C. Savage, and Linda Worrall
Core Stabilization and Pelvic Motility Training for a 28-week Pregnant Female with Low Back Pain and Sciatic Nerve Pain, Jenna Belser and Anne H. Boddy
Cross-Cultural E-Learning Between Cypriot and American Occupational Therapy Students: A Pilot Study, Kayla Collins, Pavlina Psychoili, and Mary Zadnik
Decreased Mobility of Cuboid Rotation as the Source of Achilles Tendinopathy--A Case Report, Catherine Patla and Kristin Hernandez
Development of a Physical Therapy Faculty Workload Measurement Tool, Wanda Nitsch, Kathleen Manella, Jodi Liphart, Cherie Peters-Brinkerhof, and Terri Roberts
Direction of gait asymmetry following stroke determines acute response to locomotor task, Virginia L. Little, Lindsay Perry, Mae WV Mercado, Steven A. Kautz, and Carolynn Patten
Effectiveness of Stretching and Arch Strengthening in a 10-year-old male with Calcaneal Apophysitis, Hannah Hardesty and Catherine M. Andrea
Effect of Life Review on Quality of Life for Older Adults Living in Nursing Homes, Rene' Wren
Effects of stroke severity and training duration on locomotor recovery after stroke: a pilot study, Prudence Plummer, Andrea L. Behrman, Pamela W. Duncan, Pam Spigel, Dawn Saracino, Jennifer Martin, Emily Fox, Mary Thigpen, and Steve A. Kautz
Effects of Trigger Point Dry Needling in Conjunction with Intramuscular Electrical Stimulation for a Patient with Lumbar Radiculopathy: A Case Report, Mayur Patel and Todd Bourgeois
Effects of Weight Shifting and Heel Lift on Gait, Posture, and Balance in an Elderly Female with Backward Disequilibrium: A Case Report, Gilissa T. Schjang and Evan M. Pucillo
Enhancing Quality of Life of People With Visual Impairments Through Aesthetic Techniques, Christia M. Labro
Exploring the Role of Occupational Therapy in Primary Care, Tina Rosselli
External Load on the Hemi-paretic Lower Limb with Task-oriented Training to Improve Gait Post Right ACA Stroke, Jacob France and Lindsey Perry
Faculty Perceptions of Readiness to Implement Interprofessional Education in Athletic Training, Meredith M. Parry, Jennifer Jordan Utley, Sue Shapiro, and Stefanie Podlog
Femoral Retrotorsion as the Source of Sacroiliac Symptoms – A Case Report, Catherine Patla and Kristin Hernandez
FSM Restores Activity to Trapezius for 67 y.o. Male, Marilyn Miller and Carolyn R. McMakin
Gender Differences Between Muscle Activation during Star Excursion Balance Test on Stable versus Unstable Surfaces, Navpreet Kaur, Kunal Bhanot, and Germaine Ferreira
Identifying Occupational Therapy Role for Individuals in Substance Abuse and Addiction Recovery Programs, Tyler Cruz
Identifying Opportunities for the Role of Occupational Therapy in a Correctional Setting, Maxwell Sand
Improvements in Physical Functional Performance Test 10 (PFP-10) in an Amputee Following Contralateral Total Knee Arthroplasty, Scott Love, Rebekah Langreck, Payton McWilliams, Jenna Yent, and Michael Jason Highsmith
Incorporation of Balance and Vestibular Exercises in a 45-year-old Female with Bell’s Palsy: A Case Report, Kelsey Andersson and Erica Kiernan
Increasing Social Participation in Senior Center Through Program Development, Diana Dinh
Integrated Exposure Therapy and Exercise Reduces Fear of Falling and Avoidance in Older Adults: A Randomized Pilot Study, Julie Loebach Wetherell, Emily S Bower, Kristen Johnson, Douglas G Chang, Samuel R Ward, and Andrew J Petkus
Integrating Interprofessional Education with Simulation Experiences within OT and PT Curricula: A Look at the Backwards Design Process, Nicole Rodriguez, Norman C. Belleza, and Maureen Johnson
Inter-institutional Collaboration to Benefit Student Learning: A Scenario in Graduate Education, Marilyn Miller, Linda Hill, and Nicolas Van Den Heever
Interrater Reliability of the Pediatric Neuromuscular Recovery Scale in Children with Spina Bifida, Elizabeth Ardolino, Megan Flores, Germaine Ferreira, Susan Jeantete, and Kathleen Manella
Learning Strategies and Academic Difficulty in Physical and Occupational Therapy Online Education, Evan M. Pucillo and Erica J. Kiernan
Manual Physical Therapy and Cervical Joint Position Training for Cervicogenic Dizziness Following Whiplash-Associated Disorder: A Case Report, Melanie Friedman and Kayla Smith
Objective measurement of vocal parameters in older people with and without Parkinson's disease in their natural environments: a pilot study, Neila Donovan, Danielle Boudreaux, and Meghan C. Savage
Organizational Learning in Libraries at For-Profit Colleges and Universities, Julie Evener
Organizational Learning in Libraries at For-Profit Colleges and Universities, Julie Evener
Organizational Learning in Libraries at For-Profit Colleges and Universities: A Mixed-Methods Analysis, Julie Evener
Perceptions of Higher Education Health Science Faculty on Debriefing after Simulation Based Activities, Maureen Ellen Johnson
Perspectives on Teaching the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health Model to Physical Therapy Students, Cherie Peters-Brinkerhof
Physical Function and Mobility in Children with Congenital Myotonic Dystrophy, Evan M. Pucillo, Deanna L Dibella, Man Hung, Jerry Bounsanga, Becky Crockett, Melissa Dixon, Russell J Butterfield, Craig Campbell, and Nicholas E Johnson
Physical Therapists’ Perceptions of Barriers to the Use of Evidence-based Fall Prevention Intervention with Individuals of 65 Years of Age or Older, Charles Agbonghae
Physical Therapy to Improve Mobility Following Surgery for Multiple Ligament Knee Injury, Tiffany Wu and Heather Disney
Power Up with Parkinson's: A Case Report, Sean Ekekwe and Anne H. Boddy
Preparing for a Short-Term Volunteer Experience, Beth Sullivan
Program Proposal for Occupational Therapy in Post-Bariatric Surgery Aftercare Program, Deborah Ruediger
Promoting Productive Aging among Low-Income Older Adults, Sarah Matsuoka
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation In A Male Wrestler Post Type II Slap Lesion Surgical Repair, George Eskander and Matthew L. Daugherty
Psychology of Sport Injury : A Holistic Approach to Rehabilitating the Injured Athlete, Jennifer Jordan Utley
Psychosocial factors in sports injury rehabilitation and return to play, Leslie W. Podlog, John Heil, and Stefanie Podlog (nee Schulte)
Rehabilitation Modifications for a Patient with Parkinson’s Disease Following a Suspected Case of Gilbert’s Syndrome: A Case Study, Jason Bandong, Hy Ia, Naureen Imam, Kayla Wilcox, and Travis Dennis
Relatives or patients: who better detect the memory impairment?, Edla da Silva, Livia Goncalves Rodrigues, Renata Kochhann, Claudia Godinho, Diego Onysko, Maria Otilia Cerveira, Ana Luiza Comozatto, and Marcia Lorena Chaves
Response to the letter to the editor of Sorci et al. ‘‘Causes of Elevated Serum Levels of S100B Protein in Athletes’’, Stefanie Podlog, Thorsten Schiffer, Billy Sperlich, Leslie W. Podlog, and Heiko K. Strueder
SARA Plus and Task Specific Training in a Patient with Anoxic Encephalopathy, Olivia Levi and Erica Kiernan
Scapulothoracic Mobility and Strengthening after a Posterior Capsular Reconstruction of the Glenohumeral Joint with an Allograft: A Case Report, Kris Saunders and David Kempfert
Serum Concentrations Of S100B Are Not Affected By Cycling To Exhaustion With Or Without Vibration, Stefanie Podlog, Thorsten Schiffer, Billy Sperlich, Heinz Kleinoeder, and Christian H. Holmberg
Service Learning for Balance and Activity Promotion in the Older Adult, Christine Mary Childers
Sex differential effect of parental longevity on the risk of dementia., Roberto L Bigarella, Artur F Schumacher-Schuh, Márcia L F Chaves, and Edla da Silva
Shall We Dance: A Parkinson’s Dance-Based Program, Rebecca Zawodny and Anne H. Boddy
Shared Decision-Making as Experienced by Rehabilitation Students on an International Service-Learning Trip: A Phenomenological Investigation, Mary Zadnik, Suzanne Trotter, and Thomas Werner
Simulation Enhances Soft Skills Among Inter-Professionals Participating in an International Service-Learning Experience to a Resource-Limited Country, Suzanne Trotter and Sharon Dunnivan-Mitchell
Soft Tissue Mobilization with Movement to Improve Cervical and Shoulder Range of Motion Post-thyroidectomy in a 36-year-old Male: A Case Report, Sarah Tomes and Megann Schooley
Study Buddies: Peer-to-Peer Collaboration During an Online OTD Program, Rene' Wren
Supervising for success, Kathy Wheat
The Effectiveness of Electromyographic Biofeedback, Mirror Therapy, and Tactile Stimulation in Decreasing Chronic Residual Limb Pain and Phantom Limb Pain for a Patient with a Shoulder Disarticulation: A Case Report, Stephanie Thomas and Kayla Smith
The effect of static stretch and warm-up exercise on hamstring length over the course of 24 hours., Volkert C. de Weijer, Gerard C. Gorniak, and Eric Shamus
The Global Spine Care Initiative: care pathway for people with spine-related concerns., Scott Haldeman, Claire D Johnson, Roger Chou, Margareta Nordin, Pierre Côté, Eric L Hurwitz, Bart N Green, Christine Cedraschi, Emre Acaroğlu, Deborah Kopansky-Giles, Arthur Ameis, Afua Adjei-Kwayisi, Selim Ayhan, Fiona Blyth, David Borenstein, O'Dane Brady, Peter Brooks, Connie Camilleri, Juan M Castellote, Michael B Clay, Fereydoun Davatchi, Robert Dunn, Christine Goertz, Erin A Griffith, Maria Hondras, Edward J Kane, Nadège Lemeunier, John Mayer, Tiro Mmopelwa, Michael Modic, Jean Moss, Rajani Mullerpatan, Elijah Muteti, Lillian Mwaniki, Madeleine Ngandeu-Singwe, Geoff Outerbridge, Kristi Randhawa, Heather Shearer, Erkin Sönmez, Carlos Torres, Paola Torres, Leslie Verville, Adriaan Vlok, William Watters, Chung Chek Wong, and Hainan Yu
The Global Spine Care Initiative: methodology, contributors, and disclosures., Claire D Johnson, Scott Haldeman, Margareta Nordin, Roger Chou, Pierre Côté, Eric L Hurwitz, Bart N Green, Deborah Kopansky-Giles, Kristi Randhawa, Christine Cedraschi, Arthur Ameis, Emre Acaroğlu, Ellen Aartun, Afua Adjei-Kwayisi, Selim Ayhan, Amer Aziz, Teresa Bas, Fiona Blyth, David Borenstein, O'Dane Brady, Peter Brooks, Connie Camilleri, Juan M Castellote, Michael B Clay, Fereydoun Davatchi, Jean Dudler, Robert Dunn, Stefan Eberspaecher, Juan Emmerich, Jean Pierre Farcy, Norman Fisher-Jeffes, Christine Goertz, Michael Grevitt, Erin A Griffith, Najia Hajjaj-Hassouni, Jan Hartvigsen, Maria Hondras, Edward J Kane, Julie Laplante, Nadège Lemeunier, John Mayer, Silvano Mior, Tiro Mmopelwa, Michael Modic, Jean Moss, Rajani Mullerpatan, Elijah Muteti, Lillian Mwaniki, Madeleine Ngandeu-Singwe, Geoff Outerbridge, Shanmuganathan Rajasekaran, Heather Shearer, Matthew Smuck, Erkin Sönmez, Patricia Tavares, Anne Taylor-Vaisey, Carlos Torres, Paola Torres, Alexander van der Horst, Leslie Verville, Emiliano Vialle, Gomatam Vijay Kumar, Adriaan Vlok, William Watters, Chung Chek Wong, Jessica J Wong, Hainan Yu, and Selcen Yüksel
The Global Spine Care Initiative: model of care and implementation., Claire D Johnson, Scott Haldeman, Roger Chou, Margareta Nordin, Bart N Green, Pierre Côté, Eric L Hurwitz, Deborah Kopansky-Giles, Emre Acaroğlu, Christine Cedraschi, Arthur Ameis, Kristi Randhawa, Ellen Aartun, Afua Adjei-Kwayisi, Selim Ayhan, Amer Aziz, Teresa Bas, Fiona Blyth, David Borenstein, O'Dane Brady, Peter Brooks, Connie Camilleri, Juan M Castellote, Michael B Clay, Fereydoun Davatchi, Jean Dudler, Robert Dunn, Stefan Eberspaecher, Juan Emmerich, Jean Pierre Farcy, Norman Fisher-Jeffes, Christine Goertz, Michael Grevitt, Erin A Griffith, Najia Hajjaj-Hassouni, Jan Hartvigsen, Maria Hondras, Edward J Kane, Julie Laplante, Nadège Lemeunier, John Mayer, Silvano Mior, Tiro Mmopelwa, Michael Modic, Jean Moss, Rajani Mullerpatan, Elijah Muteti, Lillian Mwaniki, Madeleine Ngandeu-Singwe, Geoff Outerbridge, Shanmuganathan Rajasekaran, Heather Shearer, Matthew Smuck, Erkin Sönmez, Patricia Tavares, Anne Taylor-Vaisey, Carlos Torres, Paola Torres, Alexander van der Horst, Leslie Verville, Emiliano Vialle, Gomatam Vijay Kumar, Adriaan Vlok, William Watters, Chung Chek Wong, Jessica J Wong, Hainan Yu, and Selcen Yüksel
The Impact of Virtual Immersion in the E-Learning Environment, Thomas Moore, Ausha Weathers, Dawn Onstott, Elizabeth McMaster, and Amy Herrington
The Intentional Fieldwork Educator: Applying the Intentional Fieldwork Education Model (IFWEM), E. Joy Crawford and Nadine Hanner
The role of exercise testing in predicting successful ambulation with a lower extremity prosthesis: a systematic literature review and clinical practice guideline., Tyler D Klenow, Larry J. Mengelkoch, Phillip M Stevens, Chris A Ràbago, Owen T Hill, Gail A Latlief, Rodrigo Ruiz-Gamboa, and M Jason Highsmith
Thinking and Acting "Outside the Box", Erin E. Schwier, Jennie DiGrado, and Christine Mary Childers
Three Faces of Fragile X Syndrome, Cornelia Lieb-Lundell
Trunk control and gross motor outcomes after body-weight supported treadmill training in young children with severe cerebral palsy: A case series, Megan Flores and Carolyn da Silva
Trunk control and gross motor outcomes after body weight supported treadmill training in young children with severe cerebral palsy: a non-experimental case series, Megan Flores and Carolyn P Da Silva
Using the Backward Design Process to Integrate Interprofessional Education Utilizing Simulation in OT and PT Educational Curricula, Norman C. Belleza and Maureen Johnson
Weight-Bearing Interventions to Decrease Spasticity and Improve Gait in Stroke Patients: A Case Report, Melin Nguyen, Shelby Peterson, Jessika Sun, Irene Taing, and Faris Alshammari