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The purpose of this case report was to describe the effects of anti-gravity treadmill training, in addition to standard treatment protocol, on endurance performance in a 19-year-old female collegiate soccer player following chemotherapy treatment for leukemia.

Physical therapy rehabilitation of patients who are experiencing chemotherapy-related fatigue may benefit from anti-gravity treadmill training. This case report not only identifies a successful outcoming using such intervention but also introduces a more aggressive approach to treatment for a patient whose goals included going back to play division one sports. The patient was not only able to reach her goals of being able to perform activities of daily living but also make significant improvements in other skills required to play her sport such as improvements in balance, coordination, and agility.

Publication Date

Fall 2018


St. Augustine, FL


Leukemia, Fatigue, Athletes, Exercise Therapy


Physical Therapy | Rehabilitation and Therapy


Presented at the Fall 2018 Research Day on the St. Augustine, FL, campus of the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences.


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Anti-gravity Treadmill Training with 19-year-old Soccer Player Status Post-leukemia
