
The value of service-learning has been well documented in medical and allied health education (Abedini, Gruppen, Kolars, & Kumagai, 2012; Ekelman, Dal Bello-Haas, Bazyk, & Bazyk, 2003; Pechak, Gonzalez, Summers, & Capshaw, 2013; Pechak & Thompson, 2009; Ryan-Krause, 2016). Several studies have been conducted looking at cultural experiences and clinical reasoning (Corbett & Fickert, 2009; Sheppard & Landry, 2015; Nouvet, Chan & Schwartz, 2016). What has not been well-examined though is the concept of shared decision-making by those engaged in service-learning. The purpose of this phenomenological investigation (i.e. study) was to identify how occupational therapy (OT) and physical therapy (PT) students defined shared decision-making in the context of an international service-learning trip to Guatemala City, Guatemala in April 2017.


Poster presented at the 2018 American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah.


Abedin,i N.C., Gruppen, L.D., Kolars, J.C., Kumagai, A.K. (2012). Understanding the effects of short-term international service-learning trips on medical students. Academic Medicine, 87(6), 820-828.

Corbett, S., Fikkert, B. (2009). When Helping Hurts: How to Alleviate Poverty Without Hurting the Poor …and Yourself. Chicago, IL: Moody Publishers

Ekelman, B., Dal Bello-Haus, V., Bazyk, J., & Bazyk, S. (2003). Developing cultural competency in occupational therapy and physical therapy education: A field immersion approach. Journal of Allied Health, 32(2), 131-137.

Moustakas, C. (1994). Phenomenological research methods. Methods. Retrieved from http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=QiXJSszx7- 8C&oi=fnd&pg=PR9&dq=a+phenomenological+research+design&ots=PtL4p_X YIs&sig=RztroV-4gBsqsjfzvC1gwlqy2tA

Nouvet, E., Chan, E., Schwartz, L.J. (2016). Looking good but doing harm? Perceptions of short-term medical missions in Nicaragua. Global Public Health, Aug 20,1-17.

Pechak, C.M., Thompson, M. (2009). A conceptual model of optimal international service-learning and its application to global health initiatives in rehabilitation. Physical Therapy, 89(11), 1192-204.

Pechak, C.M., Gonzalez, E., Summers, C., & Capshaw, S. (2013). Interprofessional education: A pilot study of rehabilitation sciences students participating in interdisciplinary international service learning. Journal of Allied Health, 42(3), e61-e66.

Reisch, R. (2011). International service learning programs: Ethical issues and recommendations. Developing World Bioethics,11(2), 93-98.

Ryan-Krause, P. (2016). Short-term global experiences: Reflections, themes, and implications. Journal of Nursing Education,1;55(7), 379-384.

Sheppard, P.S., & Landry, M.D. (2016). Lessons from the 2015 earthquake(s) in Nepal: implication for rehabilitation. Disability and Rehabilitation, 38(9), 910-913. DOI: 10.3109/09638288.2015.1064482
