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Despite successful application of organizational learning to enhance services in academic libraries, little is known about organizational learning in libraries of for-profit colleges and universities (FPCUs). A quantitative online survey, followed by qualitative interviews, served to assess and explore the use of organizational learning in libraries at FPCUs. Data reflected medium to high levels of organizational learning in the libraries studied, as well as a negative relationship between organizational learning and number of students enrolled. Common themes in the interview responses included external pressures from the FPCUs making it more difficult to implement organizational learning, and the importance of communication. Organizational learning is an important process for academic libraries, leading to creating lasting changes, and enhanced effectiveness and innovation for the library. These benefits are particularly impactful in the libraries of FPCUs, where more students in the United States are turning for their education than ever before. The results of this study showed that, on average, the organizational learning capacity of libraries at FPCUs was at the medium level. However, organizational learning capacity at the high level is necessary for the flexibility and innovation required in today's environment. Library leaders, therefore, should be aware of the factors that contribute to organizational learning, as well as strategies to increase organizational learning in their libraries. The poster will focus on results from the study, as well as research-backed strategies for increasing the organizational learning capacity of any library environment.


Poster presented June 23, 2019, at the American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference in Washington, D.C.


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