Browse by Author

Listing of authors who have works in this repository as of March 03, 2025. Click the name of an author to see a listing of that person's work. For more information, see About the Repository.



A Larsen, Tracey (Docs: 1)

Aartun, Ellen (Docs: 3)

Abbott, Maggie (Docs: 1)

Abdi, Sajede (Docs: 1)

Abella, Jewel Jace (Docs: 1)

Abugan, Jinelle (Docs: 1)

Acaroğlu, Emre (Docs: 4)

Adams, Dinah (Docs: 1)

Adams, Emily (Docs: 1)

Adams, Lindsey (Docs: 1)

Adams, Tayler (Docs: 1)

Adefioye, toye (Docs: 1)

Adjei-Kwayisi, Afua (Docs: 4)

Agado, Beatriz (Docs: 1)

Agbonghae, Charles (Docs: 1)

Agrawal, Vibhor (Docs: 3)

Aguila, Maria Eliza (Docs: 1)

Aguilar, Erick (Docs: 1)

Aguilar, Sunddip (Docs: 2)

Ahmad, Kelly (Docs: 1)

Ahmed, Habeeba (Docs: 1)

Ainsworth, Kiara (Docs: 1)

Ajose, Veronica (Docs: 1)

Akbar, Summer (Docs: 1)

Akindele, Olayemi (Docs: 1)

Alameri, Masoor (Docs: 2)

Alanis, Jessica (Docs: 1)

Alas, Paulina (Docs: 1)

Albanna, Nadien (Docs: 1)

Albertson, Brooke (Docs: 1)

Alexander, Aminee (Docs: 2)

Alfonso, Priscila (Docs: 1)

Alford, Tyler (Docs: 1)

Alizaknova, Guldana (Docs: 1)

Allahbachayo, Salima (Docs: 1)

Allan, Kylie (Docs: 1)

Allemand, Kaitlyn (Docs: 1)

Allen, Brad (Docs: 7)

Allen, Ria (Docs: 1)

Allison, Jennifer (Docs: 1)

Alog, Attilah Mae (Docs: 1)

Alshammari, Faris (Docs: 3)

Altavas, Andrei (Docs: 1)

Alvarenga, Rocio (Docs: 2)

Alvarez, Sarina (Docs: 1)

Amador, Monica (Docs: 1)

Amaro, Amanda (Docs: 2)

Amaya, Gabrielle (Docs: 1)

Ambroise, Georges (Docs: 1)

Ambrose, Sherie (Docs: 1)

Ameis, Arthur (Docs: 2)

Ameis, Arthur (Docs: 2)

Andal, Kristen Mari (Docs: 1)

Anderson, Deja (Docs: 1)

Anderson, Matthew (Docs: 1)

Anderson, Melodie (Docs: 1)

Andersson, Kelsey (Docs: 1)

Andrea, Catherine (Docs: 4)

Ang, Oliver (Docs: 1)

Angel Cifuentes, Magda (Docs: 1)

Angeles, Barbara (Docs: 1)

Aningalan, Neil Zachary (Docs: 1)

Aponte, Kayla (Docs: 1)

Aqil, Jawad (Docs: 1)

Arakaki, Michelle (Docs: 2)

Aranha, Karen (Docs: 12)

Aranha, Karen (Docs: 2)

Arceneaux, Alanna (Docs: 1)

Ardoin-Barnett, Cassidy (Docs: 2)

Ardolino, Elizabeth (Docs: 5)

Arena, Frank (Docs: 1)

Arevalo, Jasneer Tricia (Docs: 1)

Arneson, Nicole (Docs: 1)

Arnold, Brent L (Docs: 1)

Arroyo, Corina (Docs: 1)

Arteaga, Itahi (Docs: 1)

Ashby, Margaret (Docs: 1)

Aslan, Sevda C (Docs: 1)

Association, Philippine Physical Therapy (Docs: 2)

Atkins, Danny (Docs: 1)

Atkins, Lindsey (Docs: 1)

Atkinson, Darryn A (Docs: 1)

Au-Yeung, Melody (Docs: 1)

Avila, Abraham (Docs: 1)

Ayhan, Selim (Docs: 4)

Ayres, Devon (Docs: 2)

Aziz, Amer (Docs: 2)

Aziz, Amer (Docs: 1)

{ top }


Bacchus, Shazam (Docs: 1)

Bains, Gurinder (Docs: 1)

Baldwin, Fred (Docs: 1)

Baldwin, Tobi (Docs: 1)

Balisi, Adnan (Docs: 3)

Balleza, Marcie (Docs: 1)

Bandong, Jason (Docs: 2)

Banton, Desiree (Docs: 1)

Barajas, Yanira (Docs: 1)

Barangay, Faye Angelene (Docs: 1)

Barber, Britni (Docs: 1)

Barcelo, Brianna (Docs: 1)

Barkenow, Kris (Docs: 1)

Barnett, Precious (Docs: 1)

Barnswell, Sadé (Docs: 2)

Barrett, Aubrey (Docs: 1)

Barta, Kristen (Docs: 5)

bartlett, colleen (Docs: 1)

Bas, Teresa (Docs: 3)

Basati, Rajbir (Docs: 1)

Basinger, Justus (Docs: 1)

Basta, Stacey (Docs: 1)


Bauer, Margaret (Docs: 1)

Bautista, Leanna (Docs: 1)

Bautista, Lily Ann (Docs: 1)

Bautista, Lily (Docs: 1)

Bautista, Regina (Docs: 1)

Bayona, Claribell (Docs: 1)

Becirovic, Meira (Docs: 1)

Beckstein, Kathryn (Docs: 1)

Behrend, Lisa Ann (Docs: 1)

Behrman, Andrea (Docs: 2)

Beker, Josephine (Docs: 1)

Belisle, Erin (Docs: 1)

Bell, Melissa "Missy" (Docs: 1)

Bell, Missy (Docs: 1)

Bell, Tiffany (Docs: 1)

Belleza, Norman (Docs: 10)

Belnap, Arrie (Docs: 1)

Belser, Jenna (Docs: 1)

Ben, Kimberly (Docs: 1)

Benavente, Gina (Docs: 1)

Benevente, Gina (Docs: 3)

Bennett, Katherine (Docs: 1)

Benzonan, Giancarlo Philip (Docs: 1)

Berggren, Kiera (Docs: 1)

Berk, Lee (Docs: 1)

Berry, Bryleigh (Docs: 1)

Berry, David (Docs: 3)

Besselink, Allan (Docs: 1)

Best, Sara (Docs: 1)

Bhakta, Tina (Docs: 1)

Bhanot, Kunal (Docs: 10)

Bianchi, Hali (Docs: 1)

Bickley, Christina (Docs: 2)

Bigarella, Roberto L (Docs: 1)

Bignal, Kristen (Docs: 2)

Biju, Ruth (Docs: 1)

Biller, Olivia (Docs: 1)

Binaei, Maryam (Docs: 1)

Bizama, Fabian (Docs: 1)

Bizama, Fatima (Docs: 1)

Black, Ellen Lowrie (Docs: 1)

Blackinton, Mary (Docs: 1)

Blackwell, Angela (Docs: 50)

Blakley, Angela (Docs: 1)

Blancas, Iliana (Docs: 1)

Bland, Robert (Docs: 1)

Blaskowsky, Leeann (Docs: 1)

Blum, Jessica (Docs: 1)

Blyth, Fiona (Docs: 4)

Boddy, Anne (Docs: 1)

Boddy, Anne (Docs: 11)

Bode, Alison (Docs: 1)

Body, Yvonne (Docs: 1)

Bohe, Blake (Docs: 1)

Bolen, Nicholas (Docs: 2)

Boler, Sharon (Docs: 1)

Bolosan, Aileen (Docs: 1)

Bonsall, Aaron (Docs: 1)

Boone, Amanda (Docs: 1)

BoquirenQuitevis, Jennifer (Docs: 1)

Borenstein, David (Docs: 4)

Borhillo, Beatriz Joy (Docs: 1)

Borillo, Rose Marie (Docs: 2)

Borin, Taylor (Docs: 1)

Borras, Maria (Docs: 1)

Boudreaux, Danielle (Docs: 1)

Bounsanga, Jerry (Docs: 3)

Bourgeois, Deanna (Docs: 2)

Bourgeois, Todd (Docs: 1)

Bower, Emily S (Docs: 1)

Bowman, Darcy (Docs: 1)

Boyd, Caitlyn (Docs: 1)

Boyd, Kristy (Docs: 2)

Boykin, Julie (Docs: 1)

Boykin, Keisa (Docs: 17)

Boykin, Lakeisa (Docs: 1)

Bozzella, Brianne (Docs: 1)

Brady, O'Dane (Docs: 3)

Brady, O'Dane (Docs: 1)

Bramlette, Lindsey (Docs: 1)

Brandt, Emily (Docs: 1)

Brendel, Amanda (Docs: 1)

Brent, Emily (Docs: 1)

Bridges, Jennifer (Docs: 3)

Brigman, Tonya (Docs: 1)

Brillas, Christian James (Docs: 1)

Briltz, Victoria (Docs: 2)

Brinkman, Tyler (Docs: 2)

Brismee, Jean-Michel (Docs: 7)

Britton, Elizabeth (Docs: 1)

Brockway, Kaelee (Docs: 1)

Brody, Lori (Docs: 3)

Brooks, Peter (Docs: 4)

Broussard, Kim (Docs: 1)

Brown, Alison (Docs: 2)

Brown, Ally (Docs: 1)

Brown, Ann Marie (Docs: 2)

Brown, Austin (Docs: 1)

Brown, Casey (Docs: 1)

Brown, Taylor (Docs: 1)

Brown, William, LTC (Docs: 1)

Bruce, Alexandra (Docs: 1)

Bryan, Carson (Docs: 1)

Buan, Jim Carlo (Docs: 1)

Budomo, Richard Lemuel (Docs: 1)

Bugter-vanLoon, LeeAnne (Docs: 1)

Buhnerkemper, Alicia (Docs: 1)

Bui, Victoria (Docs: 1)

Burden, Andria (Docs: 1)

Burke-Doe, Annie (Docs: 2)

Burleson, Victoria (Docs: 1)

Burns, James (Docs: 1)

Burrus, Kimberly (Docs: 1)

Butler, J (Docs: 1)

Butler, Myles (Docs: 1)

Butterfield, Russell (Docs: 3)

byrd, christy (Docs: 1)

Bystra, Tiffany (Docs: 1)

{ top }


Cabrera, Kelli (Docs: 1)

Cabrera, Madelyn (Docs: 1)

Cabunoc-Garcia, Abegail (Docs: 1)

Cade, Danielle (Docs: 1)

Cafirma, Claire (Docs: 1)

Cain, Jessica (Docs: 1)

Cajigal, Rome (Docs: 1)

Calingo, Frances (Docs: 1)

Callejo-Tiuseco, Archelle Jane (Docs: 1)

Callen, Jerilyn (Docs: 2)

Camilleri, Connie (Docs: 4)

Camillone, Sarah (Docs: 1)

Campbell, Craig (Docs: 2)

Campbell, Derrick (Docs: 10)

Canales, Sebastian (Docs: 1)

Cannata, Alexandria (Docs: 1)

Cano, Jennica (Docs: 1)

Cantrell, Hailee (Docs: 1)

Capron, Maclain, BA (Docs: 1)

Carbonell, Kyla Mari (Docs: 1)

Carby Cooksey, Katherine Blake (Docs: 1)

Cardenas, Arianne (Docs: 1)

Carey, Helen (Docs: 6)

Carlson, Anna Norene (Docs: 1)

Carlson, Rachel (Docs: 1)

Carmichael, Ashley (Docs: 1)

Carpenter, Amanda (Docs: 1)

Carpenter, Stephanie (Docs: 1)

Carrico, Johnnie (Docs: 1)

Carroll, Theresa (Docs: 1)

Carter, Myracle (Docs: 1)

Carter, Symone (Docs: 1)

Casares, Sabrina (Docs: 2)

Case, Hannah (Docs: 1)

Casis, James Albert (Docs: 1)

Castellote, Juan M (Docs: 5)

Castillo, Michael (Docs: 1)

Castillo, Victoria (Docs: 1)

Castro, Bianca (Docs: 1)

Castro, Karina (Docs: 1)

Cathers, Lauretta (Docs: 1)

Caywood, Penelope (Docs: 1)

Cedraschi, Christine (Docs: 4)

Celso, Adellene Therese (Docs: 1)

Cenidoza, Maria (Docs: 1)

Center for Disability Issues and the Health Professions (Docs: 1)

Cerillo, Aldin (Docs: 1)

Cerveira, Maria (Docs: 1)

Chaconas, Eric (Docs: 8)

Chambers, R (Docs: 1)

Chan, Amanda (Docs: 1)

Chan, Beatrice Camille (Docs: 1)

Chan, Coby Jaleeyah (Docs: 1)

Chang, Douglas G (Docs: 1)

Chappell, Robin (Docs: 1)

Chase, Lisa (Docs: 5)

Chase, Matthew (Docs: 8)

Chatfield, Kathryn (Docs: 1)

Chaves, Márcia L F (Docs: 2)

Chavez Serrano, Violeta (Docs: 1)

Chavez, Erika (Docs: 1)

Chavez, Michelle (Docs: 1)

Chavez, Monic (Docs: 1)

Chavez, Vanessa (Docs: 1)

Chen, Wei (Docs: 1)

Chhabria, Krishna (Docs: 1)

Chheang, Kimberlyna (Docs: 1)

Chhith, Alan (Docs: 1)

Childers, Christine (Docs: 5)

Childs-Hicks, Demetric (Docs: 1)

Ching, Peñafrancia (Docs: 1)

Chioma, Evyline (Docs: 1)

Chiong Maya, Arlene (Docs: 1)

Chiong, Aleesa (Docs: 1)

Cho, Spencer (Docs: 1)

Choe, Lisa (Docs: 1)

Chou, Roger (Docs: 4)

Chown, Allison (Docs: 2)

christensen, alecia (Docs: 1)

Christensen, Karlie (Docs: 1)

Christensen-Mayer, Nancy (Docs: 1)

Christiansen, Celeste (Docs: 1)

Christie, Katherine (Docs: 1)

Chu, Jennifer C (Docs: 1)

Chua, Daniel (Docs: 1)

Chua, Francis Clarence (Docs: 2)

Chua, Francis Clarence (Docs: 1)

Chukwuma, Sam (Docs: 1)

Chumley, Daija (Docs: 1)

Chuong, Mimi (Docs: 1)

Ciccone, Kelly (Docs: 1)

Cifuentes, Elizabeth (Docs: 1)

Cinotti, Alexis (Docs: 1)

Cirillo, Deana (Docs: 1)

Clark, Macy (Docs: 1)

Clark-Casto, Jezaray (Docs: 1)

Clay, Michael B (Docs: 5)

Clifford, Shannon (Docs: 1)

Cline, Andrea, SOT (Docs: 1)

Coates, Kalynne (Docs: 1)

Cobb, LaDarrian (Docs: 1)

Coe, Shantelle (Docs: 1)

Cohill, Becki (Docs: 1)

Cohill, Becki (Docs: 75)

Coker, Madison (Docs: 1)

Colby, Codee (Docs: 1)


Coleman, Tia (Docs: 1)

Coles, Tiffany (Docs: 2)

Collins, Beverly (Docs: 1)

Collins, Jeffrey (Docs: 1)

Collins, Kayla (Docs: 14)

Commander, Jared (Docs: 1)

Comozatto, Ana (Docs: 1)

comstock, jessica (Docs: 1)

Consing, Anna Mae (Docs: 1)

coons, shana (Docs: 1)

Cooper, Collin (Docs: 1)

Cordova, Patricia (Docs: 1)

Corey, Taylor (Docs: 2)

Corley, Derek (Docs: 1)

Correia, Brianna (Docs: 1)

Cortez, Jaisen Lluch (Docs: 1)

Côté, Pierre (Docs: 2)

Côté, Pierre (Docs: 2)

Cottone, Sarah (Docs: 1)

Cox, Cody (Docs: 1)

Cox, Franchesca (Docs: 1)

Crawford, E. (Docs: 1)

Creado, Janessa (Docs: 1)

Cremer, Kaitlyn (Docs: 2)

Crew-Noble, Coral (Docs: 1)

Crockett, Becky (Docs: 1)

Crossen-Sills, Jackie (Docs: 1)

Cruz, Cheryl (Docs: 1)

Cruz, Christopher (Docs: 1)

Cruz, Tyler (Docs: 1)

Culliver, Aundrea (Docs: 1)

Cunanan, Carmelo (Docs: 1)

Curbow, Barbara (Docs: 1)

{ top }


Da Silva, Carolyn (Docs: 6)

Daley, Sara (Docs: 1)

Daniel, Cat (Docs: 1)

Dannenbring, Jennifer (Docs: 1)

Danser, Jinna (Docs: 1)

Darmetko, Heather (Docs: 1)

Daugherty, Matthew (Docs: 7)

Davatchi, Fereydoun (Docs: 4)

Davini, Bandi (Docs: 1)

Davis, Colin (Docs: 1)

Day, Kara (Docs: 1)

De Brun, Jessica (Docs: 2)

De Brun, Jessica (Docs: 1)

De Guzman, Kristine (Docs: 1)

de Moura Rodrigues, Laura (Docs: 1)

de Weijer, Volkert (Docs: 1)

Dean, Evan (Docs: 1)

DeAngelis, Tina (Docs: 2)

Debowski, Christina (Docs: 1)

Debulgado, Dane (Docs: 1)

Deer, Alexarae (Docs: 1)

Del Rio, Yaqui (Docs: 1)

DeLuca, Elizabeth (Docs: 2)

DeLuca-Berg, Elizabeth (Docs: 1)

Demers, Kristy (Docs: 3)

Dennis, Travis (Docs: 1)

Denson, Ruby (Docs: 1)

Dent, Bralie (Docs: 1)

Deocariza Jr, Gerald (Docs: 1)

Desquitado, Kyrell Patrick (Docs: 1)

Devora, Kristina (Docs: 1)

Dharman, Sunitha (Docs: 1)

Dias-Karch, Carolyn (Docs: 1)

Dibella, Deanna L (Docs: 3)

Dickerson, Megan (Docs: 1)

Dickerson, Ty (Docs: 1)

DiDino, Susan (Docs: 1)

DiGrado, Jennie (Docs: 1)

Dimmock, James (Docs: 1)

Dinh, Diana (Docs: 1)

Dismaya, Micah (Docs: 1)

Disney, Heather (Docs: 3)

DiToro, D. (Docs: 1)

Dixon, Melissa (Docs: 3)

Dizon, Renante (Docs: 1)

Do, Duy (Docs: 1)

Domenech, Manuel (Docs: 7)

Domingo, Kaitlyn (Docs: 1)

Domville, Kristin (Docs: 26)

Donald, Sterling (Docs: 1)

Donnelly, Kira (Docs: 1)

Donovan, Neila (Docs: 1)

Dooley, Peyton (Docs: 1)

Dopson, Krystal (Docs: 1)

Dorsey, Briann (Docs: 1)

Doughty, Aimee (Docs: 1)

Downer, Marcia (Docs: 1)

Drohan, Luke (Docs: 1)

Dudler, Jean (Docs: 3)

Duncan, Pamela (Docs: 1)

Dunn, Robert (Docs: 4)

Dunne, Eugene (Docs: 1)

Dunnivan-Mitchell, Sharon, PT, DPT (Docs: 3)

Duong, Linda (Docs: 1)

Duong, Renee (Docs: 1)

Duran, Vanessa (Docs: 1)

Duya, Llana Eunice (Docs: 1)

Dy, Debra (Docs: 1)

Dye, Paul (Docs: 1)

Dytan, Michelle Erika (Docs: 1)

{ top }


Eads, Ashlyn (Docs: 1)

Eberspaecher, Stefan (Docs: 3)

Ebner, Christopher (Docs: 3)

Eckhart, Emilee (Docs: 1)

Edenfield, Jon (Docs: 1)

Edwards, Anna (Docs: 2)

Egizii, Maureen (Docs: 1)

Eglin, Katherine (Docs: 1)

Eichelberger, Tamara (Docs: 3)

Eiland, Jessika (Docs: 1)

Eke-Okoro, Amarachi (Docs: 1)

Ekekwe, Sean (Docs: 1)

Elliott, Benjamin (Docs: 1)

Ellis, Katrhyn (Docs: 2)

Ellis, Sydney (Docs: 1)

Ellison, Carlyn (Docs: 1)

Ellsworth, Ashley (Docs: 1)

Emmerich, Juan (Docs: 3)

Endow, Charissa (Docs: 1)

Endow, Lillian (Docs: 1)

England, Genevieve (Docs: 1)

Escobedo, Diamond (Docs: 1)

Escuadra, Catherine Joy T. (Docs: 1)

Escuadra, Catherine Joy (Docs: 4)

Escuadra, Catherine Joy (Docs: 1)

Esguerra, Elmer (Docs: 1)

Esguerra, Kyle (Docs: 1)

Eskander, George (Docs: 1)

Espino, Paulin Grace (Docs: 1)

Esplana, Nicole Trizia (Docs: 1)

Etienne, Fica (Docs: 1)

Evangelista, Keane (Docs: 1)

Evans, Ricieline (Docs: 1)

Evasco, Grace (Docs: 1)

Evener, Julie (Docs: 11)

Everett-Eaton, Kimberly (Docs: 1)

Eversole, Cristina (Docs: 1)

Evron, Allison (Docs: 1)

{ top }


Faghihifar, Justine (Docs: 1)

Faircloth, Jordan (Docs: 1)

Faradj-Bakht, Suny (Docs: 1)

Farcy, Jean Pierre (Docs: 2)

Farcy, Jean Pierre (Docs: 1)

Farr, Megan (Docs: 1)

Faulk, Savannah (Docs: 1)

Fearn, Lauren (Docs: 2)

Feldhacker, Mackenzie (Docs: 1)

Felts, Baylee (Docs: 1)

Fenker, Caroline (Docs: 1)

Fenstermaker, Kristin (Docs: 1)

Ferreira, Germaine (Docs: 9)

Fields, Chloe (Docs: 1)

Fierros, Heather (Docs: 1)

Fifelski, Leah (Docs: 1)

Figueroa Wallace, Mariesol (Docs: 1)

Filip, Delnai (Docs: 1)

Fisher, Olivia (Docs: 1)

Fisher-Jeffes, Norman (Docs: 2)

Fisher-Jeffes, Norman (Docs: 1)

Fitzstevens, Kyle (Docs: 1)

Fleming, Hattie (Docs: 1)

Flenorl, Jennifer (Docs: 1)

Flores, Megan (Docs: 15)

Flowers, Christen (Docs: 1)

Fogarty, Kieran (Docs: 1)

Fong, Jack (Docs: 1)

Fortes, Alexis (Docs: 1)

Fournier, Kelsie (Docs: 1)

Fox, Emily (Docs: 1)

Fox, Rachael (Docs: 1)

France, Jacob (Docs: 1)

Francisco, Marco Celso, III (Docs: 1)

Francom, Kevin (Docs: 1)

Frank, Emily (Docs: 2)


Franson, Holly (Docs: 1)

Frausto, Orquidia (Docs: 1)

Frauwith, Stacy (Docs: 1)

Frazier, Ally (Docs: 1)

Frederick, Kayla (Docs: 1)

Freeman, Danielle (Docs: 1)

Freeman, Haleigh (Docs: 1)

Freeman, Haleigh, OTD, OTR/L (Docs: 1)

Freeman, Kiyatta (Docs: 1)

Friedman, Melanie (Docs: 1)

Fung, Anna (Docs: 1)

{ top }


Gabrieles, Madelyn (Docs: 1)

Gad, Mariah (Docs: 1)

Gaillard, Jordan (Docs: 1)

Galang, Andrew (Docs: 1)

Galang, Roda (Docs: 1)

Galgon, Anne (Docs: 1)

Galindez, Janis (Docs: 1)

Gallegos, Brianna (Docs: 1)

Gallichio, Joann (Docs: 1)

Ganesan, Mohan (Docs: 2)

Ganotisi, Kriza (Docs: 1)

Gansneder, Bruce M (Docs: 1)

Garces, Eunice (Docs: 2)

Garces, Sarah (Docs: 1)

garcia, alejandra (Docs: 1)

Garcia, Alexandra (Docs: 1)

Garcia, Alma (Docs: 1)

Garcia, Alyssa (Docs: 2)

Garcia, Betsabel (Docs: 1)

Garcia, Crystal (Docs: 1)

García, Esther (Docs: 2)

Garcia, Ferdiliza Dandah (Docs: 1)

Garcia, Gladys (Docs: 1)

Garcia, Mallorie (Docs: 1)

Garcia, Miguel (Docs: 1)

Garcia, Rachel (Docs: 1)

Garday, Jessica (Docs: 1)

Garrard, Eric (Docs: 1)

Garvin, Jane (Docs: 2)

Garza, Andrea (Docs: 1)

Gaylor, Ryan (Docs: 2)

Geli, Vianca Mae (Docs: 1)

Gelito, Ritchie Belle (Docs: 1)

Gentry, Iselda (Docs: 1)

Genzlinger, Macey (Docs: 1)

George, Viji (Docs: 1)

Gerardi, Steven (Docs: 43)

Gerzmehale, Jay (Docs: 1)

Gibson, Adam (Docs: 1)

Gibson, Jayda (Docs: 1)

Gillard, Alison (Docs: 1)

Gillio, Kendra (Docs: 2)

Gim, Priscilla (Docs: 1)

Gipson Showalter, Lena (Docs: 1)

Gipson, Martha (Docs: 1)

Gist, Michaela (Docs: 1)

Godinho, Claudia (Docs: 1)

Godman, Mary (Docs: 2)

Godoy Bobbio, Tatiana (Docs: 2)

Godoy, Katelyn (Docs: 1)

Goeckel, Carolyn (Docs: 1)

Goerl, Kyle (Docs: 1)

Goertz, Christine (Docs: 4)

Goldberg, Erika (Docs: 1)

Goltiao, Mindy (Docs: 1)

Gomez, Alicia (Docs: 1)

Gomez, Angel (Docs: 1)

Gomez, Jennifer (Docs: 1)

Gomez, Sandra (Docs: 1)

Goncalves Rodrigues, Livia (Docs: 1)

Gonzales, Sydney (Docs: 1)

Gonzalez, Ariana (Docs: 1)

Gonzalez, Gabriel (Docs: 1)

Gonzalez, Mia (Docs: 1)

Gonzalez-Cabrera, Pedro (Docs: 1)

Goodfellow, Lynda (Docs: 1)

Goodrich, Natalie (Docs: 1)

Gorgon, Edward (Docs: 1)

Gorman, Renae (Docs: 1)

Gorniak, Gerard (Docs: 1)

Graham, Lexie (Docs: 1)

Granado, Beatriz (Docs: 1)

Grant, Amanda (Docs: 1)

Grant, Brittney (Docs: 1)

Gray, Debra (Docs: 1)

Gray, Scott (Docs: 1)

Green, Allison (Docs: 1)

Green, Bart N (Docs: 5)

Green, Francis (Docs: 1)

Green, Kendra (Docs: 1)

Greene, Rachel (Docs: 1)

Greer, Mary Jan (Docs: 1)

Greer, Mary (Docs: 26)

Greer, Mary, PhD, OTR (Docs: 1)

Gregory, Ali (Docs: 1)

Gregory, Caitlin (Docs: 1)

Grevitt, Michael (Docs: 3)

Griffin, Margaret (Docs: 1)

Griffith, Erin A (Docs: 1)

Griffith, Erin A (Docs: 4)

Griggs-Stapleton, Lisa (Docs: 1)

Griggs-Stapleton, Lisa (Docs: 17)

Griswold, Amy (Docs: 1)

Griswold, Amy (Docs: 3)

Groden, Anna (Docs: 1)

Groff, Shannon (Docs: 1)

Guardado, Priscilla (Docs: 1)

Guerrero, Jasmine (Docs: 2)

Guillen, Fernando (Docs: 1)

Gunther, Christina (Docs: 1)

Gutierrez, Zeida (Docs: 9)

Gutierrez, Zeida (Docs: 2)

Guy, Leslie (Docs: 1)

{ top }


Haas, Kathryn (Docs: 1)

Hacker, Ivie (Docs: 1)

Haik, Lisa (Docs: 1)

Hajjaj-Hassouni, Najia (Docs: 3)

Hajjar, Mikaela (Docs: 1)

Haldeman, Scott (Docs: 5)

Halford, Erin (Docs: 1)

Hall, Cassey (Docs: 1)

Hall, Kylee (Docs: 2)

Hamilton, Kelsey (Docs: 1)

Hamilton, Marcia (Docs: 3)

Hani, Abby (Docs: 1)

Hanner, Nadine (Docs: 1)

Hanney, William (Docs: 1)

Hardeman, Hannah (Docs: 1)

Hardesty, Hannah (Docs: 1)

Harmon, Elyse (Docs: 2)

Harper, Sydney (Docs: 1)

Harrington, Hailey (Docs: 1)

Harris, Kelsey (Docs: 1)

Harris, Madison (Docs: 1)

Harrison, Terah (Docs: 1)

Harrold, Riley (Docs: 2)

Hartsook, Kristina (Docs: 1)

Hartvigsen, Jan (Docs: 3)

Harvey, Tamara (Docs: 1)

Haskell, Tara (Docs: 1)

Hawes, Meghan (Docs: 1)

Hayes, Heather (Docs: 2)

Haynes, Cynthia (Docs: 13)

Hays, Athena (Docs: 1)

Hazelton, C. (Docs: 1)

Hazlett, Dana (Docs: 1)

Head, Laura (Docs: 1)

Heatwole, Chad (Docs: 1)

Heftie MS, OTR/L, Julie (Docs: 1)

Heil, John (Docs: 1)

Henry, Beverly (Docs: 1)

Hermosura, Leilani (Docs: 1)

Hernandez, Abigail (Docs: 1)

Hernandez, Bethanie (Docs: 1)

Hernandez, Julia (Docs: 1)

Hernandez, Kristin (Docs: 2)

Herrington, Amy (Docs: 3)

Hertaus, Allie (Docs: 1)

Heumann, Alex (Docs: 1)

Heymann, Rebecca (Docs: 1)

Hicks, Eric (Docs: 2)

Hicks, Laisha (Docs: 1)

Hidalgo, Leona (Docs: 1)

Hidalgo, Nia (Docs: 1)

Highsmith, Michael (Docs: 2)

Highsmith, Michael (Docs: 3)

Higinbotham, Erin (Docs: 1)

Hill, Linda (Docs: 1)

Hill, Lou A. (Docs: 1)

Hill, Owen T (Docs: 1)

Hinson, Natasha (Docs: 1)

Hodel, Amy (Docs: 1)

Hodges, Matthew (Docs: 1)

Hoff, Michelle (Docs: 1)

Hoffman, Amber (Docs: 1)

Hoffman, Beverly (Docs: 1)

Hoffman, Lee Ann (Docs: 3)

Hogg, Gaby (Docs: 1)

Hohman, Whitney (Docs: 1)

Holcomb, Theresa (Docs: 1)

Holden, Kathryn (Docs: 2)

Holloway, Olivia (Docs: 1)

holloway, wessleigh (Docs: 1)

Holmberg, Christian (Docs: 1)

Hondras, Maria (Docs: 4)

Hong, Grace (Docs: 1)

Hooper, Troy (Docs: 6)

Horne, Mary, LCSW (Docs: 1)

Hou, Jasmine (Docs: 1)

Hovland, Jessica (Docs: 1)

Howard, McKenna (Docs: 1)

Howell, Aubrie (Docs: 1)

Howerton, Danielle (Docs: 1)

Huang, Nenhuan (Docs: 1)

Hughes, Deanna (Docs: 1)

Huish, Matthew (Docs: 1)

Hung, Man (Docs: 3)

Hunter, Laurinia (Docs: 1)

Hurwitz, Eric L (Docs: 1)

Hurwitz, Eric L (Docs: 4)

Hutchinson, Scout (Docs: 1)

Huynh, Jany (Docs: 2)

{ top }


Ia, Hy (Docs: 2)

Ignacio, Erika (Docs: 1)

Ignacio, Marvin Louie (Docs: 1)

Imam, Naureen (Docs: 3)

Ingegneri, Karina (Docs: 1)

Ingram, Sadie (Docs: 1)

Ingstad, Christopher (Docs: 1)

Irwin, Trisha (Docs: 1)

Isaacson Kailes, June (Docs: 2)

Isidro, Zsienne Antonette (Docs: 1)

Ivey, Christopher (Docs: 2)

{ top }


Jackson, Jae (Docs: 1)

Jacob, Shiney (Docs: 1)

Jacobs, Ashley (Docs: 1)

Jakubiszak, Samantha (Docs: 1)

Jameson, Julie (Docs: 1)

Jarobel, Katrina Angela (Docs: 1)

Jarrar, Rebekah (Docs: 1)

Jasper, Amie (Docs: 1)

Javaherian, Heather (Docs: 1)

Javate, Adam (Docs: 1)

Jeantete, Susan (Docs: 2)

Jeffers, Kaeli (Docs: 1)

Jegira, Jhonas (Docs: 1)

Jenkins, Ashley (Docs: 1)

Jenkins, Lisa (Docs: 1)

Jerez, Jannah (Docs: 1)

Jeune, Vanessa (Docs: 1)

Jimenez, Carina (Docs: 1)

Jivan, Salina (Docs: 3)

Johns, Celeste (Docs: 1)

Johnson, Avani (Docs: 1)

Johnson, Claire D (Docs: 5)

Johnson, Convalecia (Docs: 1)

Johnson, Debbie (Docs: 1)

Johnson, Deriyon (Docs: 1)

Johnson, Grace (Docs: 1)

Johnson, Kalynn (Docs: 1)

Johnson, Kristen (Docs: 3)

Johnson, Lynn (Docs: 1)

Johnson, Maureen (Docs: 10)

Johnson, Nicholas (Docs: 5)

Johnson, Xan (Docs: 1)

Johnston, Rebecca (Docs: 2)

Jones, Kaitlyn (Docs: 1)

Jones, Kayla (Docs: 1)

Jones, Rajaé (Docs: 1)

Jones, Tristin (Docs: 1)

Jose, Jessica (Docs: 1)

Judd, Alexandra (Docs: 2)

Julian, Megan (Docs: 1)

Jung, Ethan (Docs: 1)

{ top }


Kailes, June (Docs: 1)

Kane, Edward J (Docs: 10)

Kareis, Greg (Docs: 1)

Kasyan-Howe, Pam (Docs: 1)

Kasyan-Howe, Pam (Docs: 22)

Kasyan-Howe, Pamela (Docs: 2)

Katakura, Koji Jr., Jr. (Docs: 1)

Kaur, Navpreet (Docs: 10)

Kautz, Steve (Docs: 2)

Keesey, Tammy (Docs: 1)

Keister, Michelle (Docs: 1)

Kempfert, David (Docs: 6)

Kennedy, Gabrielle (Docs: 1)

Kennedy, Jennifer (Docs: 1)

Kentner, Robert (Docs: 1)

Kerimova, Rada (Docs: 1)

Kern, Ben (Docs: 1)

Khalid, Nooreen (Docs: 1)

Khan, Sabina (Docs: 2)

Khan-Farooqi, Lesley (Docs: 1)

Khan-Farooqi, Lesley (Docs: 6)

Khowailed, Iman Akef (Docs: 2)

Kiattitananan, Brittany (Docs: 1)

Kiernan, Erica (Docs: 7)

Killorin, Rachel (Docs: 1)

Kim, Alex (Docs: 1)

Kim, Judy (Docs: 1)

Kim, Sunah (Docs: 1)

Kinard, Lacey (Docs: 1)

King, Jim (Docs: 1)

King, Mackenzie (Docs: 1)

King, Rebecca (Docs: 20)

Kinuthia, Saira (Docs: 1)

Kite, Lydia (Docs: 1)


Kizy, Dannette (Docs: 1)

Kleinert, Jens (Docs: 1)

Kleinoeder, Heinz (Docs: 1)

Klenow, Tyler D (Docs: 1)

Klibert, Kaila (Docs: 1)

Knights, Nicole (Docs: 1)

Kochhann, Renata (Docs: 1)

Kolber, Morey (Docs: 1)

Kopansky-Giles, Deborah (Docs: 3)

Kopansky-Giles, Deborah (Docs: 1)

Kory, Wesley, TSgt (Docs: 1)

Kowalski, Tom (Docs: 1)

Krantz, Daniella (Docs: 1)

Krencik, Dalton (Docs: 1)

Kronstadt-Trapasso, Alyssa (Docs: 1)

Krug, Kassidy (Docs: 1)

Kuester, Aubrey (Docs: 1)

Kuhlman, McKenna (Docs: 1)

Kumar, Gomatam Vijay (Docs: 3)

Kunkel, Kevin (Docs: 2)

Kupczynski, Lori (Docs: 1)

Kuperman, Douglas (Docs: 1)

Kutti, Ajibola (Docs: 1)

{ top }


Labaran, Lawal (Docs: 1)

Labro, Alma (Docs: 1)

Labro, Christia (Docs: 1)

Lachaussee, Reagan (Docs: 1)

Lacorte, Jose Raphael (Docs: 1)

Lagasca, Mary (Docs: 1)

Lambert, Beth (Docs: 1)

Lampkin-Smiley, Roslyn (Docs: 1)

Lamson, Tara (Docs: 1)

Lange, Clayton (Docs: 1)

Langlinais, Ellen (Docs: 1)

Langreck, Rebekah (Docs: 1)

Langrek, Rebekah (Docs: 1)

Lapid, Chalsea Anne (Docs: 1)

Laplante, Julie (Docs: 3)

LaPorte, Dakota (Docs: 1)

Larkin, Wendy (Docs: 1)

Laslovich, Steve (Docs: 1)

Laslovich, Steve (Docs: 1)

Laslovich, Steven (Docs: 2)

Latimer, William (Docs: 1)

Latlief, Gail A (Docs: 1)

Lau, Janelle Meara (Docs: 1)

Laughlin, Kersten (Docs: 1)

Law, Bethany (Docs: 1)

Laymon, Michael (Docs: 1)

Layne, John (Docs: 2)

Lazaro, Rolando (Docs: 6)

Lazaro, Rolando (Docs: 1)

Lazaro, Wina Frances (Docs: 1)

Lazarte, May (Docs: 1)

Ledesma, David (Docs: 1)

Ledesma, David (Docs: 1)

Lee, Haneul (Docs: 1)

Lee, Haneul (Docs: 1)

Lee, Sin Hye (Docs: 1)

Lee, Tiffany (Docs: 1)

Leeworthy, Cody (Docs: 1)

Leigel, Donna (Docs: 1)

Leinfuss, Janis (Docs: 1)

Lemeunier, Nadège (Docs: 4)

Leon, Kevin (Docs: 1)

Leonard, Charlotte (Docs: 1)

Leu, Ingrid (Docs: 1)

Levanduski, Anya (Docs: 1)

Levi, Olivia (Docs: 1)

Lew, Constance (Docs: 1)

Lewis, Darin (Docs: 1)

Lewis, David (Docs: 1)

Lewis, David (Docs: 1)

Lewis, Deborah (Docs: 1)

Lewis, Grace (Docs: 1)

Lewis, Marissa (Docs: 1)

Li, Xudong (Docs: 1)

Licon, Tara (Docs: 1)

Lillibridge, Katelynn (Docs: 1)

Lim, Darlene Sofia (Docs: 1)

Lim, Queenie (Docs: 1)

Lindquist, Molly (Docs: 1)

Lindsey, Bert (Docs: 1)

Liotta, Nicole (Docs: 1)

Lipardo, Donald (Docs: 3)

Liphart, Jodi (Docs: 1)

Little, Virginia (Docs: 1)

Littles, Jatia (Docs: 1)

Llaca, Kristian (Docs: 2)

Lo, Jewlie (Docs: 1)

Loa, Beatrice Ann (Docs: 1)

Lobaton, Vince Paul (Docs: 1)

Locastro, Brian (Docs: 1)

Lochbaum, Marc (Docs: 1)

Logan, Destinee (Docs: 1)

Logan, Madison (Docs: 1)

Logan, Shannon (Docs: 1)

Lok, Caselyn (Docs: 1)

Longley, Christine (Docs: 1)

Lotho, Mark Kenneth (Docs: 1)

Lott, Lindsey (Docs: 1)

Love, Scott (Docs: 6)

Lowe, Ellen (Docs: 1)

Lozada, Tony (Docs: 1)

Lubben, Andria (Docs: 1)

Lunar, Rom (Docs: 1)

Lundell PT, DPT, Cornelia (Docs: 3)

Lundgren, Kate (Docs: 1)

Lwin, Janice (Docs: 1)

Lyall, Desiree (Docs: 1)

Lyons-Brown, Amy (Docs: 21)

{ top }


M Reiter-Hiltebrand, Gudrun (Docs: 1)

Ma, Alvin (Docs: 1)

MacDermott, Susan (Docs: 134)

MacDermott, Susan (Docs: 1)

Madalon, Dana (Docs: 2)

Magpayo, Janelle (Docs: 1)

Maharaj, Deveshma (Docs: 1)

Major, Randi (Docs: 1)

Malabed, Reyma (Docs: 1)

Mallini, Kerry (Docs: 1)

Malooly, Madeline (Docs: 1)

Manella, Kathleen (Docs: 3)

Manella, Kathleen (Docs: 9)

Manjai, Ashley (Docs: 1)

Manlapaz, Donald (Docs: 1)

Mann, Kyra (Docs: 1)

Manolas, Heather (Docs: 1)

Manoly, Sherry (Docs: 2)

Manwaring, Stacy (Docs: 1)

Mapa, Lizbeth (Docs: 1)

Maprel, Manjusha (Docs: 1)

Maranan, Myla (Docs: 1)

Marasigan, Mychelle Rae (Docs: 1)

Marazita, Inti (Docs: 1)

Marcin, Tammy (Docs: 1)

Mariano, Margaux (Docs: 2)

Marica, Heather (Docs: 1)

Marinas, Rossniel (Docs: 2)

Marlette, Hannah (Docs: 2)

Marquez-Sterling, Natalia (Docs: 2)

Martin, Jennifer (Docs: 1)

Martin, Kristian Joseph (Docs: 1)

Martin, Scott (Docs: 1)

Martinez, Claire Beatrice (Docs: 1)

Martinez, Soraya (Docs: 1)

Martinez, Valeria (Docs: 1)

Martinez-Peraza, Jessica (Docs: 1)

Marwick, Whitney (Docs: 1)

Marzeena, Rita (Docs: 1)

Masibay, Johna (Docs: 1)

Mason-Cover, M. (Docs: 1)

Massey, Laura (Docs: 1)

Mathena, Cindy (Docs: 1)

Mathew, Jasmine (Docs: 1)

Mathew, Sarah (Docs: 1)

Mathews, James (Docs: 1)

Mathy, Pamela (Docs: 1)

Matsuoka, Sarah (Docs: 1)

Mayer, John (Docs: 1)

Mayer, John (Docs: 2)

Mayer, John (Docs: 1)

McBeth, Joseph (Docs: 1)

McBride, Elizabeth (Docs: 2)

McBride, Madison (Docs: 1)

McCarroll, Hope (Docs: 2)

McCarthy, Karen (Docs: 2)

McClelland, Keri (Docs: 1)

McConnell, Charae (Docs: 1)

McCorquodale, Donald (Docs: 1)

McDowell, Selby (Docs: 1)

McErlean, Colleen (Docs: 1)

McGee, Elisabeth (Docs: 2)

McGee, Peyton (Docs: 1)

McGrath, Daniel (Docs: 1)

McGuff, Christina Ann (Docs: 1)

McHugh, Jessica (Docs: 1)

McIntyre, Melissa (Docs: 1)

McKay, Keegan (Docs: 1)

McKay, Keegan, OTD (Docs: 1)

McKinney, Alana (Docs: 1)

McLendon, Reagan (Docs: 1)

McMahon, Adam (Docs: 2)

McMakin, Carolyn (Docs: 1)

McManus, Judy (Docs: 1)

McMaster, Elizabeth (Docs: 2)

McMillian, ReBecca (Docs: 1)

mcnulty, susan (Docs: 1)

McWilliams, Keith (Docs: 1)

McWilliams, Payton (Docs: 1)

Medley, Jemila (Docs: 1)

Mehus, Brooke (Docs: 1)

Melei, Kathleen (Docs: 1)

Mellin, Diana (Docs: 2)

Menard, Karen (Docs: 1)

Menard, Natasha (Docs: 2)

Menas, Ailyn (Docs: 1)

Mendez, Laura (Docs: 1)

Mendez, Mariah (Docs: 1)

Mendivil, Julianne (Docs: 1)

Mengelkoch, Larry (Docs: 2)

Mensi, Theresa (Docs: 1)

Mercado, Mae (Docs: 1)

Meyers, Deb (Docs: 1)

Milburn, Ashlynn (Docs: 1)

Milkovich, Cole (Docs: 1)

Miller, Elizabeth (Docs: 2)

Miller, Hayes (Docs: 1)

Miller, Laura (Docs: 1)

Miller, Lauren (Docs: 1)

Miller, Marilyn (Docs: 3)

Miller, Nicole (Docs: 3)

Milliken, Natalie (Docs: 1)

Mimun, Joshua (Docs: 1)

Minark, Lauran (Docs: 1)

Mior, Silvano (Docs: 3)

Miro, Rebecca (Docs: 1)

Mirowski, Dawn (Docs: 1)

Mitchell, Katy (Docs: 1)

Mitchell, Katy (Docs: 1), Marilou (Docs: 1)

Mmopelwa, Tiro (Docs: 4)

Modic, Michael (Docs: 4)

Mohler, Amanda (Docs: 1)

Mongkolvipakul, Jane (Docs: 1)

Montgomery, Courtney (Docs: 1)

Moore, Jacqueline (Docs: 1)

Moore, Jessica (Docs: 1)

Moore, Shonda (Docs: 1)

Moore, Thomas (Docs: 1)

Moradi, Shima (Docs: 1)

Morales, Michelle (Docs: 1)

Morgan, Mackenzie (Docs: 1)

Morgan, Rachel (Docs: 1)

Morrell-Zucker, Gabriela (Docs: 1)

Morris, Gwen (Docs: 2)

Morrison, Scot (Docs: 1)

Morrison, Susan (Docs: 1)

Morrow, Kimberly (Docs: 1)

Mosley, Jayde (Docs: 1)

Moss, Jean (Docs: 1)

Moss, Jean (Docs: 2)

Moss, Jean (Docs: 1)

Mrabe, Khalil (Docs: 1)

Mueller, Roxanne (Docs: 2)

Mullerpatan, Rajani (Docs: 3)

Mullerpatan, Rajani (Docs: 1)

Munch, Kaylee (Docs: 1)

Murcio, Mirely (Docs: 1)

Murguido, Alexandra (Docs: 1)

Musacco, Kristen (Docs: 1)

Muteti, Elijah (Docs: 4)

Mwaniki, Lillian (Docs: 4)

{ top }


Nailon, Stephanie (Docs: 1)

Nava, Jordan Barbra (Docs: 2)

Nava, Paul (Docs: 1)

Navarro, Diana (Docs: 1)

Nelson, Cassandra (Docs: 24)

Newman, Kelsey (Docs: 1)

Newton, Catherine (Docs: 1)

Newton, Maria (Docs: 1)

Ngandeu-Singwe, Madeleine (Docs: 1)

Ngandeu-Singwe, Madeleine (Docs: 3)

Ngo, Tommy (Docs: 1)

Nguyen, Dennis (Docs: 1)

Nguyen, Kathy (Docs: 1)

Nguyen, Linda (Docs: 1)

Nguyen, Lisa (Docs: 1)

Nguyen, Melin (Docs: 1)

Nguyenly, Ailien (Docs: 1)

Nitsch, Wanda (Docs: 1)

Njemanze, Alexus (Docs: 1)

Nordin, Margareta (Docs: 4)

Nordin, Margareta (Docs: 1)

Nunez, Daisy (Docs: 1)

Nwauwa, Juliana (Docs: 1)

{ top }


Oberg, Jenna (Docs: 1)

Oberts, Mallory (Docs: 1)

Obra, Cheryll Didi Nellie (Docs: 1)

Obra, Cheryll Didi Nellie (Docs: 1)

OBrien, Tanya (Docs: 1)

O'Bryan, Edward (Docs: 3)

Ocampo, Jhannell Hannah (Docs: 1)

Ode, Joshua (Docs: 3)

O'Donnell, Amanda (Docs: 1)

Ogbennah, Lovelyn (Docs: 1)

ogundeko, victoria (Docs: 1)

Oh, Thuy Ai (Docs: 1)

O'Hara, Erin (Docs: 1)

O'Hara, Katie (Docs: 1)

Olds, Madison (Docs: 1)

Oliver, Sabrina (Docs: 1)

Ollison, Kristen (Docs: 1)

Olsen, Holly (Docs: 1)

Olvera, Alejandra (Docs: 1)


Onstott, Dawn (Docs: 2)

Ontiberos, Victoria (Docs: 1)

Onwuka, Faith (Docs: 1)

Onysko, Diego (Docs: 1)

Orcutt, Kendra (Docs: 1)

Orebeau, Na'Talia (Docs: 1)

Orlando, Stephanie (Docs: 1)

Orlino, Ma. Anna Carmina (Docs: 1)

Ornelas, Adriana (Docs: 1)

Ornelas, Maryann (Docs: 1)

Orozco Arteaga, Jazminne (Docs: 23)

Orozco-Arteaga, Jazminne (Docs: 2)

Orpilla, Vergel (Docs: 1)

Orr, Amanda (Docs: 2)

Ortiz, Isabella (Docs: 1)

Osborne, Shelby (Docs: 1)

Outerbridge, Geoff (Docs: 2)

Outerbridge, Geoff (Docs: 2)

Overberg, Rachel (Docs: 1)

Owen, Amanda (Docs: 1)

Owens, Maura (Docs: 1)

Owookade, Esther (Docs: 1)

{ top }


Pace, Mason (Docs: 1)

Padilla, Denae (Docs: 1)

Palacio, Peter Oliver, Jr. (Docs: 1)

Palermo, Kathryn (Docs: 1)

Paline, Breland (Docs: 1)

Parikh, Rupa (Docs: 2)

Paris, Allison (Docs: 1)

Park, Eung (Docs: 1)

Park, Jenny (Docs: 1)

Park, Karen (Docs: 1)

Park, Karen (Docs: 88)

Parker, Amy (Docs: 1)

Parry, Meredith (Docs: 2)

Parson, Aaliyah (Docs: 1)

Parten, Christienne (Docs: 2)

Parten, Jimmie (Docs: 1)

Pasion, Charmaine Alexis (Docs: 1)

Patel, Mayur (Docs: 1)

Patel, Rajvi (Docs: 1)

Patel, Shreya (Docs: 1)

Patel, Virale (Docs: 1)

Patino, Andrea (Docs: 1)

Patla, Catherine (Docs: 3)

Patrick, Marissa (Docs: 1)

Patten, Carolynn (Docs: 1)

Patterson, Pandora (Docs: 1)

Paudel, Bindu (Docs: 1)

Paul, Breann (Docs: 1)

Paul, Stanley (Docs: 1)

Paul-Ward, Amy (Docs: 1)

Pauley, Lindsey (Docs: 1)

Paulo, Janae (Docs: 1)

Pautler, Mary (Docs: 1)

Pearce, Ciara (Docs: 1)

Pearce, Shelby (Docs: 1)

Peeples, Paige (Docs: 1)

Pent Hunter, Mary (Docs: 1)

Peoples, Emily (Docs: 2)

Peralta, Cheryl (Docs: 1)

Pereira, Patricia (Docs: 1)

Perez, Charlemaine Deane (Docs: 1)

Perez, Denise (Docs: 1)

Pérez, Erik (Docs: 6)

Perez, Melanie (Docs: 1)

Perkins, Alli (Docs: 1)

Perkins, Angela (Docs: 1)

Perkins, Michelle (Docs: 1)

Perry, David (Docs: 1)

Perry, Lindsay (Docs: 5)

Perry, Lindsey (Docs: 1)

Peters-Brinkerhof, Cherie (Docs: 3)

Peterson, Shelby (Docs: 1)

Petil, Er Jr. (Docs: 1)

Petkus, Andrew J (Docs: 1)

Petrocelli, Thais (Docs: 4)

Petrofsky, Jerrold (Docs: 1)

Petron, David (Docs: 2)


Phan, Tom (Docs: 1)

Philipbar, Kerri (Docs: 1)

Phillips, Sofia (Docs: 1)

Phung, Jessica (Docs: 2)

Picard, Shelbi (Docs: 1)

Pidgeon, Sherry (Docs: 1)

Piepgras, Amanda (Docs: 1)

Pierce, Amber (Docs: 1)

Pierce, Kimberley (Docs: 1)

Pilgrim, Leiselle (Docs: 2)

Pinson, Kylie (Docs: 1)

Pirtle, Stacey (Docs: 1)

Pitts, Christina (Docs: 2)

Plouffe, Nicole (Docs: 1)

Plummer, Prudence (Docs: 1)

pock, michelle (Docs: 2)

Podlog, Leslie (Docs: 5)

Podlog, Stefanie (Docs: 9)

Poland, Stefani (Docs: 1)

Pong, Anjanette (Docs: 1)

Poojary, Prerna (Docs: 1)

Poole, Shelly (Docs: 1)

Porter, Amy, PT, DPT (Docs: 1)

Portillo, Bernadette (Docs: 1)

Premo, Brenda (Docs: 2)

Prevatte, Elaina (Docs: 1)

Psychouli, Pavlina (Docs: 1)

Pucillo, Evan (Docs: 17)

Purdom, Lauren (Docs: 1)

Pyatak, Elizabeth (Docs: 1)

{ top }


Quach, Johnathan (Docs: 2)

Quidilla, Agatha (Docs: 1)

Quinones, Caprice (Docs: 1)

Quizzagan, Mirzi Chelsea (Docs: 1)

{ top }


Ràbago, Chris A (Docs: 1)

Raby, M. (Docs: 1)

Radice, Kaitlyn (Docs: 1)

Rafael, Carmina (Docs: 2)

Raghuwanshi, Jasraj (Docs: 1)

Rajasekaran, Shanmuganathan (Docs: 4)

Ram, Shayal (Docs: 1)

Ramirez, Megan (Docs: 1)

Ramirez, Mia (Docs: 1)

Ramirez, Michael (Docs: 1)

Ramos, Cecilia (Docs: 1)

Ramos, Jan Mikaela (Docs: 1)

Ramos, Lezlye (Docs: 1)

Ramos, Michele (Docs: 1)

Ramos, Rolando (Docs: 1)

Ramos, Shiela (Docs: 1)

Randell, Blake (Docs: 1)

Randerson, Alaina (Docs: 1)

Randerson, Alaina (Docs: 1)

Randhawa, Kristi (Docs: 5)

Ransome, Shayla (Docs: 1)

Rao, Asha (Docs: 1)

Rashad, Diamond (Docs: 1)

Rasmussen, Natalie (Docs: 1)

Ratledge, Tambra (Docs: 1)

Raynaldo, Marisa (Docs: 1)

Recio, John Marco (Docs: 1)


Reed, Holly (Docs: 1)

Reed, Savonna (Docs: 2)

Regino, Jocel (Docs: 3)

Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Accessible Medical Instrumentation (Docs: 2)

Rehmel, Emily (Docs: 1)

Reid, Shelby (Docs: 1)

Reilley, Hannah (Docs: 1)

Reiter, Laura (Docs: 1)

Relph, Isabella (Docs: 1)

Rennerfeldt, Heather (Docs: 2)

Restrepo, Zalome (Docs: 1)

Reyes, Amanda (Docs: 1)

Reyes, Jaidee Mae (Docs: 1)

Rezaei, Sepehr (Docs: 2)

Rhea, Tyler (Docs: 1)

Rhodes, Anna (Docs: 1)

Richards, Curtis (Docs: 1)

Richards, Lindsay (Docs: 3)

Richards, Lorie (Docs: 1)

Richards, Patrick (Docs: 1)

Richardson, Kimberly (Docs: 1)

Riedmueller, Stephanie (Docs: 1)

Ries, Ashley (Docs: 1)

Riley, Bonnie (Docs: 1)

Rimando, Christian Rey (Docs: 1)

Rindge-Silvas, Vanessa (Docs: 1)

Ring, Kerston (Docs: 1)

Rios, Viviana Patricia (Docs: 1)

Ritchey, Claudia (Docs: 1)

Rivera, Christopher (Docs: 1)

Roberts, Carson (Docs: 1)

Roberts, Chad (Docs: 1)

Roberts, Terri (Docs: 2)

Robinson, Eric (Docs: 1)

Robinson, Eric (Docs: 5)

Robinson, Sophia (Docs: 1)

Robleza, Emily (Docs: 1)

Robotta, Lee Anne (Docs: 1)

Rochon, Raina (Docs: 1)

Rodenkirch, Kelly (Docs: 1)

Rodgers, Logan (Docs: 1)

Rodriguez, Janelle (Docs: 1)

Rodriguez, Lauren (Docs: 1)

Rodriguez, Maira (Docs: 1)

Rodriguez, Melina (Docs: 1)

Rodriguez, Nicole (Docs: 1)

Rodriguez, Rosa (Docs: 1)

Rodriguez, Sabrina (Docs: 1)

Roe, Sophia (Docs: 1)

Rogulj, Bonnie (Docs: 5)

Roman, Sophia (Docs: 1)

rosales, karen (Docs: 1)

Ross, Abigail (Docs: 1)

Ross, Akio (Docs: 1)

Ross, Colin (Docs: 1)

Ross-Anyaso, Tamieko (Docs: 1)

Rosselli, Tina (Docs: 1)

Rossopoulos, Jenny (Docs: 1)

Rot, Jeffrey (Docs: 1)

Rotor, Esmerita (Docs: 3)

Rotor, Esmerita (Docs: 1)

Rowe, Eboni (Docs: 1)

Rowe, Sara (Docs: 1)

Rowlinson, Madison (Docs: 1)

Roy, Mechelle (Docs: 1)

Rubin, Jaime (Docs: 1)

Rueda, Ella Mae (Docs: 1)

Ruediger, Deborah (Docs: 1)

Ruelas, Cristina (Docs: 1)

Ruiz-Gamboa, Rodrigo (Docs: 1)

Runnels, Bria (Docs: 1)

Russell, La'Shandra (Docs: 1)

Ruth, Claire (Docs: 2)

{ top }


Saavedra, Anna (Docs: 1)

Sabbara, Jessica (Docs: 1)

Saccol Martins, Juliana (Docs: 1)

Sadiasa, Anne Nicole (Docs: 1)

Sadiz, Janine Patricia (Docs: 1)

Saenz, Alondra (Docs: 1)

Sager, Rheanne (Docs: 1)

Sailor, Heather (Docs: 1)

Sakian, Cynthia (Docs: 1)

Salalila, Leonor (Docs: 1)

Salazar, Bryana (Docs: 1)

Saleh, Kenzie (Docs: 1)

Salgado, Bianca (Docs: 1)

Salinas, Mina (Docs: 1)

Salisbury, Kristin (Docs: 1)

Salmon, Christine (Docs: 2)

Salo, Trenton (Docs: 1)

Samuel, Naveen (Docs: 1)

Samuel, Tincy (Docs: 1)

San Lucas, Summer (Docs: 1)

Sanchez, Alejandra (Docs: 1)

Sanchez, Anna Barbara (Docs: 1)

Sanchez, Caitlin Joy (Docs: 1)

Sand, Maxwell (Docs: 1)

Sanderson, Valerie (Docs: 1)

Sandwith, Megan (Docs: 1)

Santos, Elia (Docs: 1)

Santurri, Laura (Docs: 1)

Sanvictores, Amaris (Docs: 1)

Saracino, Dawn (Docs: 1)

Saragusti, Bianca (Docs: 1)

Sarik, Olivia (Docs: 1)

Saunders, Faith (Docs: 2)

Saunders, Kris (Docs: 1)

Savage, Amanda (Docs: 2)

Savage, Meghan (Docs: 2)

Sawyer, Brook (Docs: 1)

Sawyer, Kathryn (Docs: 1)

Scheiderman, Breannah (Docs: 1)

Schermerhorn, Lauren (Docs: 1)

Schiffer, Thorsten (Docs: 2)

Schjang, Gilissa (Docs: 1)

Schlieder, Valerie (Docs: 1)

Schmidt, Chris (Docs: 1)

Schooley, Megann (Docs: 1)

Schroder, Laurie (Docs: 1)

Schubert, Lisa (Docs: 14)

Schumacher, Cherilyn (Docs: 1)

Schumacher-Schuh, Artur F (Docs: 1)

Schwartz, Karen (Docs: 1)

Schwier, Erin (Docs: 5)

Scott, Clifford (Docs: 1)

Sebastian, Jason (Docs: 1)

Seidle, Julie (Docs: 1)

Seward, Rudy (Docs: 1)

Seymour, Julia (Docs: 1)

Shahin, Jasmine (Docs: 2)

Shamus, Eric (Docs: 1)

Shank, Hayley (Docs: 1)

Shanks, QuanDra (Docs: 1)

Shapiro, Sue (Docs: 1)

Shearer, Heather (Docs: 4)

Sheets, Charles (Docs: 1)

Sheikovitz, Lisa (Docs: 1)

Shevchenko, Sera (Docs: 1)

Shimko, Laurie (Docs: 1)

Shin, Calvin (Docs: 1)

Shin, Julia (Docs: 1)

Shotwell, Mary (Docs: 1)

Shotwell, Mary (Docs: 10)

Shuptrine, Amy (Docs: 1)

Sicat, Zyra Mae (Docs: 1)

Silva da Silva, Edla (Docs: 3)

Simmons-Mackie, Nina (Docs: 1)

Simon, Jessica (Docs: 1)

Simons, Cynthia, RPS, MHPS (Docs: 1)

Sims, Carolyn (Docs: 1)

Singleton, Braden (Docs: 2)

Siono, Jessie (Docs: 1)

Siu, Marissa (Docs: 2)

Sizer, Phil, PT, PhD (Docs: 1)

Skidmore, Meghan, OTD, OTR, CNS (Docs: 2)

Skinner, Hannah (Docs: 2)

Skubik-Peplaski, Camille, PhD (Docs: 1)

Slaughter, Ahnnya (Docs: 1)

Sloan, Randa (Docs: 1)

Smallegan, Kara (Docs: 1)

Smead, Kristin (Docs: 1)

Smith, A (Docs: 1)

Smith, Alexa (Docs: 1)

Smith, Horace (Docs: 1)

Smith, James (Docs: 1)

Smith, Kayla Marie (Docs: 7)

Smith, Kim (Docs: 1)

Smith, Kye (Docs: 1)

Smith, Laura (Docs: 4)

Smith, Mary, Dr. (Docs: 1)

Smith, Mary (Docs: 27)

Smuck, Matthew (Docs: 2)

Smuck, Matthew (Docs: 1)

Smuck, Matthew (Docs: 1)

Sneary, Martha (Docs: 1)

Snow, Jessica, PT, DPT (Docs: 1)

Snyder Amoroso, Julie (Docs: 1)

Snyder, Marisa (Docs: 1)

Soderfelt, Annika (Docs: 1)

Soebbing, Ashley (Docs: 1)

Solomon, Cassidy (Docs: 2)

Solomon, Naomi (Docs: 1)

Somarriba, Gabriel (Docs: 1)

Sönmez, Erkin (Docs: 4)

Soriano, Martin John (Docs: 1)

Sowers, Jeanne (Docs: 1)

Spark, Lacey (Docs: 1)

Speake, Haley (Docs: 1)

Spell-Hernandez, Kelley (Docs: 1)

Sperlich, Billy (Docs: 2)

spiers, Mandy (Docs: 1)

Spigel, Pam (Docs: 1)

Springer, Alexandrea (Docs: 1)

St. Germain, Anderston, Dr. (Docs: 1)

Stanley, Kaitlyn (Docs: 1)

Starr, Cadence (Docs: 1)

Starvaggi, Sophia (Docs: 1)

Steele, Douglas (Docs: 1)

Stettner, Theresa (Docs: 1)

Stevens, Phillip M (Docs: 1)

Stewart, Cierra (Docs: 1)

Stewart, Rena (Docs: 1)

Stockton, Kelsey (Docs: 1)

Stoltenberg, Stephanie (Docs: 1)

Storkersen, Kelcey (Docs: 2)

Story, Molly (Docs: 2)

Stovall, Benjamin (Docs: 1)

Strahl, Dakota (Docs: 1)

Strain, Sierra (Docs: 1)

Strathmann, Frederick (Docs: 3)

Struckmeyer, Linda (Docs: 1)

Strueder, Heiko (Docs: 2)

Subedi, Serina (Docs: 1)


Sudrla, Shannon (Docs: 2)

Sughair, Annamarie (Docs: 1)

Suhm, Tiffani (Docs: 1)

Sullivan, Beth (Docs: 2)

Summers, Jennifer (Docs: 1)

Summers, Jennifer (Docs: 1)

Sun, Jessika (Docs: 1)

Sutcliffe, Michael G (Docs: 1)

Svatos, Kiersten, SOT (Docs: 1)

Swanhorst, John (Docs: 1)

Swensen, Brandon (Docs: 1)

Swider, Jory (Docs: 1)

Switzer-Houston, Tiara (Docs: 1)

Sykes, Peyton (Docs: 1)

Szeto, Millie (Docs: 1)

{ top }


Tadros, Maryann (Docs: 1)

Taguinod, Hanz Lauren (Docs: 1)

Taing, Irene (Docs: 1)

Takagaki, Alison (Docs: 2)

Tam, Preston (Docs: 1)

Tan, Jem Bettina (Docs: 1)

Tan, Julia Erin (Docs: 1)

Tanchuling, Alexa (Docs: 1)

Tang, Fiona (Docs: 1)

tang, stacey (Docs: 1)

Tate, Brittany (Docs: 2)

Tate, Quinn (Docs: 1)

Tatla, Jyoti (Docs: 2)

Tauran, Katarina (Docs: 1)

Tavares, Patricia (Docs: 3)

Taylor, Brett (Docs: 1)

Taylor, John-Luke (Docs: 1)

Taylor, Kelsi (Docs: 1)

Taylor-Vaisey, Anne (Docs: 3)

Tedder, Meg (Docs: 1)

Tejada, Geneveve (Docs: 1)

Tejani, Aum (Docs: 1)

Terrell, Emily (Docs: 1)

Terrian, Kathryn (Docs: 1)

Tetherow, Caitlin (Docs: 1)

Tewari, Anant (Docs: 1)

Thelander, Mary (Docs: 1)

Thigpen, Mary (Docs: 1)

Thomas, Halle (Docs: 1)

Thomas, Heather (Docs: 1)

Thomas, Lauren (Docs: 1)

Thomas, Nimmy (Docs: 1)

Thomas, Stephanie, DPT (Docs: 1)

Thompson, Janella (Docs: 1)

Thompson, Jena (Docs: 1)

Thomson, Karissa (Docs: 2)

Thornton, L. (Docs: 1)

Titus, Felicia (Docs: 1)

Tojin Romero, Diana (Docs: 1)

Tomes, Sarah (Docs: 1)

Tomita, Machiko (Docs: 1)

Tong, Shane (Docs: 2)

Torgerson, Amber (Docs: 1)

Torres, Carlos (Docs: 3)

Torres, Carlos (Docs: 1)

Torres, Hazel (Docs: 1)

Torres, Paola (Docs: 4)

Tourtillott, Stephany (Docs: 1)

Toy, Kelly (Docs: 1)

Tran, Christopher (Docs: 1)

Travis, Karen (Docs: 1)

Trinh, Leslie (Docs: 1)

Trinh, Vivi (Docs: 1)

Trotter, Suzanne (Docs: 7)

Trujillo, Caren (Docs: 1)

Truog, Heather (Docs: 1)

Truong, Christine (Docs: 1)

Truong, Tiffany (Docs: 1)

Tully, Jessica (Docs: 1)

Tumonong, Mae Adrinne (Docs: 1)

Tunnell, Brooke (Docs: 1)

Turbow, David (Docs: 1)

Twaddell, MacKenzie (Docs: 1)

Twombly, Dianna (Docs: 1)

Tyler, Madison (Docs: 1)

Tyrrell, Debra (Docs: 1)

{ top }


Ugiliweneza, Beatrice (Docs: 1)

Umphress, Amanda (Docs: 1)

Unaegbu, Tobechukwu (Docs: 1)

Urbina, Jocelyn (Docs: 1)

Utile, Velinda (Docs: 1)

Utley, Jennifer Jordan (Docs: 4)

Uy, Leonardo, III (Docs: 1)

{ top }


Vairojanakich, Apisara (Docs: 1)

Valdez, Nadalie (Docs: 1)

Valencia, Melissa (Docs: 1)

Valentine, Lindsey (Docs: 1)

Van Den Heever, Nicolas (Docs: 1)

van der Horst, Alexander (Docs: 3)

Van Gorder, Chelsea (Docs: 1)

Van Woy, Jennifer (Docs: 1)

Vander Laan, Abby (Docs: 1)

Vang, Dao (Docs: 1)

Vanni, Olivia (Docs: 1)

Vargas, Hermes (Docs: 1)

Vargas, Vienna (Docs: 1)

Vela, Karla (Docs: 1)

Ventura, Jeanne (Docs: 2)

Verville, Leslie (Docs: 1)

Verville, Leslie (Docs: 3)

Vialle, Emiliano (Docs: 3)

Vidmar, BethAnne (Docs: 2)

Villacruz, Fatima (Docs: 1)

Villanueva, Alyssa Denise (Docs: 1)

Villocillo, Julia Vanesa (Docs: 1)

Vincent, Heather (Docs: 1)

Virva, Piper (Docs: 1)

Vitente, Arvie (Docs: 1)

Vitente, Arvie (Docs: 2)

Vitente, Arvie (Docs: 5)

Viti, Jim (Docs: 2)

Vlok, Adriaan (Docs: 4)

Vo, Megan (Docs: 1)

Voorhees, Nikki (Docs: 1)

Voorhees, Nikki (Docs: 1)

Voss, Maren (Docs: 1)

Vraa, Matthew (Docs: 1)

{ top }


Wagner, Adeline (Docs: 1)

Walker, Siarra (Docs: 2)

Walker, Tasha (Docs: 1)

Wallace, Eric (Docs: 1)

Walters, Jason (Docs: 1)

Ward, Samuel R (Docs: 1)

Warren, Jonathan (Docs: 1)

Watford, Monica (Docs: 8)

Watkins, Matthew (Docs: 1)

Watson, Anne (Docs: 1)

Watters, William (Docs: 2)

Watters, William (Docs: 2)

Weathers, Ausha (Docs: 1)

Weaver, Sarah (Docs: 1)

Webb, Lauren (Docs: 1)

Webre, Kayla (Docs: 1)

Wee, Angela Denise (Docs: 1)

Wei, tracy (Docs: 1)

Weiss, MacKinzie (Docs: 2)

Welch, Emma (Docs: 1)

Welch, Katelyn (Docs: 1)

Werner, Thomas (Docs: 2)

Wersal, James (Docs: 1)

Wesson, Ashley (Docs: 1)

Westrip, Kylee (Docs: 1)

Wetherell, Julie Loebach (Docs: 1)

Wheat, Kathy (Docs: 2)

Wheeler, Kelsy (Docs: 1)

Whitaker, Marika (Docs: 1)

Whitehead, Molly (Docs: 1)

Whitten, Denise (Docs: 1)

Wiggs, Megan (Docs: 1)

Wilbanks, Whitney (Docs: 3)

Wilcox, Kayla (Docs: 2)

Wild, Courtney (Docs: 1)

Wild, Courtney (Docs: 1)

Wilde, W. (Docs: 1)

Wilkins, Nicole (Docs: 1)

Willey, Kristin (Docs: 1)

Williams, Aron (Docs: 1)

Williams, Judson (Docs: 1)

Williams, Lindsay (Docs: 1)

Williams, Lindsey (Docs: 1)

Williams, Tavia (Docs: 1)

Williams, Teruko (Docs: 1)

Willse, Nicole (Docs: 1)

Wilson, Mark (Docs: 2)

Wilson, Stanley (Docs: 1)

Wiltz, Jocelyn (Docs: 1)

Windfelder, Zoe (Docs: 1)

Winters, Jack (Docs: 2)

Winters, Jill (Docs: 2)

Wischmeyer, Kennedy (Docs: 1)

witchpreraVahLR, utjhubqpreraVahLR (Docs: 1)

Witt, Chandler (Docs: 1)

Wolf, Victoria (Docs: 1)

Wolfskill, R. Keith (Docs: 1)

Wong, Brianna (Docs: 1)

Wong, Chung Chek (Docs: 4)

Wong, Jessica J (Docs: 3)

Woo, Grace (Docs: 1)

Wood, Sandia (Docs: 1)

Woodberry, Shauntrice (Docs: 1)

Woolley, Heidi (Docs: 2)

Wooten, Elizabeth (Docs: 1)

Worrall, Linda (Docs: 1)

Wren, Rene' (Docs: 3)

Wren, Rene (Docs: 1)

Wren, Rene' (Docs: 1)

Wu, Stephanie (Docs: 1)

Wu, Tiffany (Docs: 1)

Wuebker, Molly (Docs: 2)

Wutzke, Monica (Docs: 1)

Wycoco, John Emmanuel (Docs: 1)

{ top }


yap, cortney (Docs: 1)

Yap, Leslie (Docs: 1)

Yee, Kristen (Docs: 1)

Yent, Jenna (Docs: 2)

Yochem, Eric (Docs: 1)

Young, Esmeralda (Docs: 1)

Young, Lanzi (Docs: 1)

Young, Tanya (Docs: 1)

Yu, Hainan (Docs: 5)

Yüksel, Selcen (Docs: 3)

Yuson, Charlene (Docs: 1)

{ top }


Zadnik, Mary (Docs: 3)

Zahariades, Kelli (Docs: 1)

Zaky, Kim (Docs: 1)

Zare, Negin (Docs: 1)

Zawodny, Rebecca (Docs: 1)

Zipp, G. (Docs: 2)

Zotomayor, Marvin (Docs: 1)