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Teaching and learning anatomy in a DPT program poses a challenge to students and faculty because of the volume of material needed as foundational information for a PT curriculum. The aim of this study was to determine if a round-robin model of instruction in anatomy and applied anatomy labs, is more effective to meet the course learning objectives compared to a more traditional, separate class instruction.

Guiding Questions:

1. What were the faculty and students’ perception of the teaching method used for anatomy and applied anatomy?

2. What were the faculty's perceptions of the students’ understanding of the material presented?

3. Did the faculty and students perceive any barriers to their learning?

4. Did the faculty and students perceive any opportunities for their learning?

Publication Date

Fall 2018


San Marcos, CA


Anatomy - Education, Physical Therapy Specialty - Education, Models, Educational, Education, Professional


Curriculum and Instruction | Higher Education | Physical Therapy


Presented at the Fall 2018 Research Day on the San Marcos campus of the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences.

A Different Instructional Model to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Gross and Applied Anatomy for Physical Therapy Students
