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Research suggests the need for early surgical nerve exploration for secondary radial nerve palsy based upon a 75% recovery rate with early exploration.5 In using typical conservative management plus high-repetition movement, the patient in this case report was able to avoid surgery for radial nerve exploration, attain complete recovery within 4 months of his initial injury, and fully return to work and daily function.

This case report offers the possibility of high-repetition movement being a beneficial treatment intervention. This is a simple, low-cost treatment and can be accomplished by the patient at home as part of a home exercise program. For this patient, full recovery was attained without additional surgery for nerve exploration. Perhaps this case report serves as a catalyst for further research in the area of radial nerve palsy in applying a conservative treatment approach that aids in the regeneration of the radial nerve without having to turn towards surgical interventions.

Publication Date

Fall 2018


St. Augustine, FL


Radial Neuropathy, Exercise Therapy, Motor Activity, Nerve Regeneration


Physical Therapy | Rehabilitation and Therapy


Presented at the Fall 2018 Research Day on the St. Augustine, FL, campus of the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences.

Are You Ready to get High? High Repetition Exercise for Radial Nerve Palsy
