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Dyspareunia is defined as persistent pain in the vaginal area before, during, or after sexual intercourse.1,2 The etiology is uncertain in the medical literature, but evidence proposes that pain and dysfunction of pelvic floor muscles (PFM) can contribute to dyspareunia and other forms of chronic pelvic pain.1,2 The information contained in this case report is clinically relevant because it presents evidence that dyspareunia can be treated safely with physical therapy techniques on a patient with a complex medical history.

Publication Date

Fall 2018


San Marcos, CA


Physical Therapy Specialty, Dyspareunia, Pelvic Pain, Pelvic Floor, Exercise Therapy, Musculoskeletal Manipulations


Physical Therapy


Presented at the Fall 2018 Research Day on the San Marcos, CA, campus of the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences.

Previously presented at the 2015 Congress of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy in Singapore, Thailand.


Kao, A, Binik, Y., Kapuscinski, A., and Khalifé, S. (2008) Dyspareunia in postmenopausal women: A critical review. Pain Research & Management: The Journal of the Canadian Pain Society. 13 (3): pp. 243-254.

Fisher, K.A. (2007) Management of dyspareunia and associated levator ani muscle overactivity. Physical Therapy. 87 (7): pp. 935-941.

Conservative Therapy of Patient with Dyspareunia in a Post-menopausal State with Co-morbidities Including Previous Breast Cancer and Valve Replacement: A Case Report
