Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 10-16-2019

Publication Title

Health, Interprofessional Practice and Education


PURPOSE As the athletic training profession advances, master’s degree accreditation standards aim to position athletic trainers as key players on interprofessional healthcare teams. Interprofessional education standards were recently introduced to academic leaders as key elements in the professional healthcare education of athletic trainers.

While the current standards reflect essential skills for entry-level clinicians, faculty instructing these elements may require additional development.

METHODS The objective of this study was to explore athletic training educators’ perceptions of interprofessional education and to examine perceived barriers related to the implementation of IPE in athletic training curricula. An electronic survey was administered to a stratified, random sample of 1000 athletic training education program faculty from the National Athletic Trainer’s Association (NATA) member database. Participating faculty completed the Interdisciplinary Education Perception Scale (IEPS) and a set of additional Likert-scale questions regarding barriers to implementation of IPE in athletic training education.

RESULTS The results indicated that differences exist in faculty readiness to implement IPE based on faculty rank or role, years of teaching experience, prior experience and skill level using IPE, and geographical location of the athletic training program within the institution.

CONCLUSION The results indicated that differences exist in faculty readiness to implement IPE based on faculty rank or role, years of teaching experience, prior experience and skill level using IPE, and geographical location of the athletic training program within the institution. Together, the findings suggest that IPE integration should include initiatives that provide administrative support, delineate leadership roles, offer formal IP development, and aim to create closer physical proximity among healthcare disciplines on campuses.





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Originally published as:

Parry, M., Utley, J.J., Shapiro, S. and Podlog, S., 2019. Faculty Perceptions of Readiness to Implement Interprofessional Education in Athletic Training. Health, Interprofessional Practice and Education, 3(4), p.eP1182. DOI:

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