The Physical Therapy Collection of SOAR@USA houses research publications related to physical therapy or from faculty in the Physical Therapy Department at the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences.
Posters/Presentations from 2018
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome-Hypermobility Type: Can We Use Physical Therapy Manipulation?, Greg Kareis and Lindsay Perry
Effect of Stable and Unstable Surfaces on the Serratus Anterior Muscle Activation in a Kinetic-chain Exercise Among Healthy Adults, Navpreet Kaur, Kunal Bhanot, and Germaine Ferreira
Myofascial Manipulation to Alleviate Forearm and Hand Weakness and Numbness in a Female Competitive Rock Climber, Ben Kern and Evan M. Pucillo
The role of exercise testing in predicting successful ambulation with a lower extremity prosthesis: a systematic literature review and clinical practice guideline., Tyler D Klenow, Larry J. Mengelkoch, Phillip M Stevens, Chris A Ràbago, Owen T Hill, Gail A Latlief, Rodrigo Ruiz-Gamboa, and M Jason Highsmith
It’s Not Supposed To Hurt: Pelvic Floor Soft Tissue Massage and Vaginal Dilator Implementation, Kaila Klibert and Lisa Chase
Canalith-Repositioning Maneuvers and Balance Interventions on a Patient with Multiple-Canal BPPV: A Case Study, Nicole Knights and Kerry C. Mallini
Relieve Pain and Continue to Train! Dry Needling Intervention for Foot Tendinopathies, Aubrey Kuester and Lisa Chase
Scapulothoracic Stabilization to Reduce Cervical Pain and Headaches: A Case Report, Bethany June Law and Shannon Logan
Physical Therapy Management of a Patient with Hypermobile type Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome for Treatment of Cervicogenic Headaches: A Case Report, Cody A. Leeworthy and Jeffrey A. Rot
The Effectiveness of Physical Therapy Interventions for a Six-Year-Old Boy with Monosomy 18p, Grace Lewis and Catherine M. Andrea
Effects of LSVT Big Concepts on Patients with Low Back Pain and a Concomitant Diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease, Alana McKinney and Erica Kiernan
Therapeutic Exercise and Vibration Training for a Military Veteran Mimicking Relapse-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis, Lauren Elizabeth Miller and Laurie Shimko
Inter-institutional Collaboration to Benefit Student Learning: A Scenario in Graduate Education, Marilyn Miller, Linda Hill, and Nicolas Van Den Heever
FSM Restores Activity to Trapezius for 67 y.o. Male, Marilyn Miller and Carolyn R. McMakin
Elbow Joint Manipulation and Exercise for Post-Operative Medial Epicondylectomy: A Case Report, Kelsey Newman and Eric Chaconas
Application of Forced Use in a Traditional Acute Hospital Setting with a 77-Year-Old Female Post Left CVA, Jimmie Parten and Anne H. Boddy
Effects of Trigger Point Dry Needling in Conjunction with Intramuscular Electrical Stimulation for a Patient with Lumbar Radiculopathy: A Case Report, Mayur Patel and Todd Bourgeois
Post-Surgical Resection of T7-10 AV Malformation Mimics Brown-Sequard: A Case Report, Lindsey Pauley and Lisa Chase
A Different Instructional Model to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Gross and Applied Anatomy for Physical Therapy Students, Cherie Peters-Brinkerhof and Christine Mary Childers
Monkey See, Monkey Do! Utilization of Yoga Intervention for a Child with Non-Verbal Autism, Elaina Prevatte and Catherine M. Andrea
Global Health and Disability: A Review and Call to Action for All Rehabilitation Professions, Evan M. Pucillo, Matthew B. Huish, Quinn Tate, Edward C. O'Bryan, and Ty T. Dickerson
The Modified Dynamic Gait Index and Limits of Stability in Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1, Evan M. Pucillo, Melissa M. McIntyre, Mary Pautler, Man Hung, Jerry Bounsanga, Maren W. Voss, Heather Hayes, Deanna DiBella, Caren Trujillo, Melissa Dixon, Russell Butterfield, and Nicholas E. Johnson
Disability and Physical Therapy Services in Rural Nicaragua: A Pilot Study, Evan M. Pucillo and Edward C. O'Bryan
We Are Global Health: A Rejuvenating Perspective, Evan M. Pucillo and Edward C. O'Bryan
Walkin’ On Air: Alter-G Gait Training in a Male with Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia, Kimberly Richardson and Evan M. Pucillo
To Transplant or Not to Transplant? The Successful Treatment of a Lateral Meniscus Transplant, Jaime Rubin and Matthew L. Daugherty
Effects of Weight Shifting and Heel Lift on Gait, Posture, and Balance in an Elderly Female with Backward Disequilibrium: A Case Report, Gilissa T. Schjang and Evan M. Pucillo
Marfan Syndrome, It Doesn’t Have to be a Pain in the Back, Carolyn Sims and Jim Viti
An Orthopedic Solution to a Neurological Problem -Core Stabilization Post Stroke: A Case Report, James E. Smith and Lindsay Perry
The High-Level Mobility Assessment Tool (HiMAT) in Myotonic Dystrophy Type 2: A Case Report, Kim B. Smith and Evan M. Pucillo
Breast injuries in female collegiate basketball, soccer, softball and volleyball athletes: Prevalence, type and impact on sports participation, Laura J Smith, Tamara D Eichelberger, and Edward J Kane
Breast Injury During Sport Participation, Laura J. Smith, Elizabeth Miller, Tamara Eichelberger, and Edward J Kane
Effect of Comprehensive Physical Therapy on a 25-Year-Old Pregnant Female with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome: A Case Report, Maryann Tadros and Amanda Grant
Joint Mobilizations and Paraplegia: A Curious Pairing, Preston Tam and Matthew L. Daugherty
Non-Organic Motor Disorder: Combatting the Effects of Stress on Functional Mobility, Kelsi Taylor and Lindsay Perry
Integrated Exposure Therapy and Exercise Reduces Fear of Falling and Avoidance in Older Adults: A Randomized Pilot Study, Julie Loebach Wetherell, Emily S Bower, Kristen Johnson, Douglas G Chang, Samuel R Ward, and Andrew J Petkus
Can you Dig? Returning to Volleyball after Arthroscopic Medial Plica Excision, Kelsy Wheeler and Lisa Chase
Physical Therapy to Improve Mobility Following Surgery for Multiple Ligament Knee Injury, Tiffany Wu and Heather Disney
Reforming Range of Motion: The Use of the Pilates Reformer in a Female with Postoperative Adhesive Capsulitis, Lanzi A. Young and Larry J. Mengelkoch
Shared Decision-Making as Experienced by Rehabilitation Students on an International Service-Learning Trip: A Phenomenological Investigation, Mary Zadnik, Suzanne Trotter, and Thomas Werner
Submissions from 2017
Gross Motor Outcomes After Dynamic Weight-Bearing in 2 Children With Trunk Hypotonia: A Case Series, Elizabeth Ardolino, Megan Flores, and Kathleen Manella
Experiential Learning Enhances Physical Therapist Student Confidence in Management of Neurologically-Involved Adults and Children, Kristen Barta, Megan Flores, and Anna Edwards
The Effects of Spinal Mobilizations, Manual Stretching, and Exercises in the Treatment of Testicular Pain: A Case Report, Kunal Bhanot, Navpreet Kaur, and R Chambers
Attitudes and Beliefs Regarding Pain in Interprofessional Education: A Multifaceted Dilemma, Annie Burke-Doe, Kayla Smith, Kristen M. Johnson, Anna Edwards, Christopher J. Ivey, Ellen Lowe, Steve Laslovich, Christopher M. Ingstad, Jonathan P. Warren, Susan McNulty, and Terri Roberts
Visual, Verbal, and Tactile Cues on Improving Gait in a 71-Year Old Male with Dementia of the Lewy Bodies, Symone Carter and Jackie Crossen-Sills
Shoulder External Rotator Eccentric Training Versus General Shoulder Exercise for Subacromial Pain Syndrome: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Eric Chaconas, Morey J. Kolber, William J. Hanney, Matthew L. Daugherty, Stanley H. Wilson, and Charles Sheets
Implementation of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Post Mesenchymal Stem Cell Procedure Secondary to Legg-Calve-Perthes disease: A Case Report, Sara Daley and Anne H. Boddy
The Effects of Closed Kinetic Chain and Endurance Exercises on Reducing Pain in a Child with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome: A Case Report, Linda Duong and Megan Flores
Don’t Let Me Fall: Implementing the Use of Assistive Standing Device with Functional Task Specific Training Can Improve Safety of Transfers in a 65 Y/O Woman with Primary Lateral Sclerosis: A Case Report, Megan Farr and Lindsay Perry
The Kinetic Chain of Pelvic Pain, Jennifer Flenorl and Anne H. Boddy
Upsee Daisy! Gross Motor Outcomes after Dynamic Weight Bearing in Two Children with Truncal Hypotonia: A Case Series, Megan Flores, Kathleen Manella, and Elizabeth Ardolino
Aging with the FMR1 Gene: A Life Course Perspective, Cornelia Lieb-Lundell
Three Faces of Fragile X Syndrome, Cornelia Lieb-Lundell
The Efficacy of Sustained Heat Treatment on Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness, Jerrold Petrofsky, Lee Berk, Gurinder Bains, Iman Akef Khowailed, Haneul Lee, and Michael Laymon
You Down with Alter-G? Yeah, You Better Be!, Tom Phan and Anne H. Boddy
Effects of Manual Therapy and Dry Needling Techniques for Managing Hypertonicity in the Male Pelvic Floor: A Case Report, Amy Jane Porter, Suzanne Trotter, and Kristen Barta
Physical Function and Mobility in Children with Congenital Myotonic Dystrophy, Evan M. Pucillo
Physical Function and Mobility in Children with Congenital Myotonic Dystrophy, Evan M. Pucillo, Deanna L Dibella, Man Hung, Jerry Bounsanga, Becky Crockett, Melissa Dixon, Russell J Butterfield, Craig Campbell, and Nicholas E Johnson
“Yes I Have Parkinson’s, But I Still Have Low Back Pain”, Logan Rodgers and Anne H. Boddy
The Effect of Fatigue on Upper Quarter Y-Balance Test Scores in Recreational Weightlifters: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Trenton D. Salo and Eric Chaconas
Chain Reaction: Functional Strengthening for the Treatment of Posterior Tibialis Tendinopathy in an Adolescent Athlete, Emily Terrell and John Layne
Upping the Ante!: Physical Therapist Management of Femoral Anteversion, Kathryn R. Terrian and Matthew L. Daugherty
Rehabilitation After Glenohumeral Microfracture and Type II SLAP Repair Surgery: A Case Report, Judson Williams and Eric Chaconas
Training of Anticipatory Postural Adjustments in an 83-Year-Old Female with Severe Anxiety Post-Femoral Fracture: A Case Report, Chandler Witt and Anne H. Boddy
Submissions from 2016
Assessing Student Self-Perception of Confidence in the Evaluation and Treatment of the Neurologically Involved Across the Lifespan, Kristen Barta and Megan Flores
Mobilization with Movement Symptom Modification Procedure for a 38 Year-old Male with Patella Femoral Pain Syndrome, Scott Gray, Eric Chaconas, and David Kempfert
The Management of Chronic Myofascial Thoracolumbar Pain with Dry Needling, Spinal Manipulation, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Exercise: A Case Report, Adam Javate, Kayla Smith, and Matthew Anderson
Disease Burden and Functional Outcomes in Congenital Myotonic Dystrophy: A Cross-Sectional Study, Nicholas E. Johnson, Russell Butterfield, Kiera Berggren, Man Hung, Wei Chen, Deanna DiBella, Melissa Dixon, Heather Hayes, Evan M. Pucillo, Jerry Bounsanga, Chad Heatwole, and Craig Campbell
Management of Charcot–Marie–Tooth Disease: Improving Long-Term Care with a Multidisciplinary Approach, Donald McCorquodale, Evan M. Pucillo, and Nicholas E. Johnson
Perspectives on Teaching the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health Model to Physical Therapy Students, Cherie Peters-Brinkerhof
Same-Day Physical Therapy Consults in an Outpatient Neuromuscular Disease Physician Clinic, Evan M. Pucillo, Nancy Christensen-Mayer, Shelly D. Poole, Denise M. Whitten, Danielle Freeman, Blake R. Bohe, Brandon R. Swensen, A Gordon Smith, and Nicholas E. Johnson
The Effectiveness of Electromyographic Biofeedback, Mirror Therapy, and Tactile Stimulation in Decreasing Chronic Residual Limb Pain and Phantom Limb Pain for a Patient with a Shoulder Disarticulation: A Case Report, Stephanie Thomas and Kayla Smith
Osteoporosis Knowledge in Licensed Physical Therapists and First-Year Doctor of Physical Therapy Students: A Gap in Physical Therapy Education?, Suzanne Trotter, Jean-Michel Brismee, Phil Sizer, and Brad Allen
Submissions from 2015
Shoulder External Rotator Eccentric Training For Subacromial Pain Syndrome, Eric Chaconas
Enchondroma of the Distal Phalanx., Christopher J. Ivey and Edward J Kane
A Study Examining Practice Style Traits of Physical Therapists: Do They Explain Practice Behaviors and Knowledge Translation?, Kristen M. Johnson
Cuboid Manipulation and Exercise in the Management of Posterior Tibialis Tendinopathy: A Case Report, Catherine Patla, Janice Lwin, Laura Smith, and Eric Chaconas
Submissions from 2014
Muscle Activity During the Star Excursion Balance Test in Healthy Adults, Kunal Bhanot, Navpreet Kaur, Lori Thein Brody, Jennifer Bridges, David C. Berry, and Joshua J. Ode
Effects of Lower Extremity and Trunk Muscle Recruitment on Serratus Anterior Muscle Activation in Healthy Male Adults, Navpreet Kaur, Kunal Bhanot, Lori Thein Brody, Jennifer Bridges, David C. Berry, and Joshua J. Ode
Power Development for Golf, Scot D. Morrison and Eric Chaconas
Submissions from 2008
Athletic Trainers’ and Physical Therapists’ Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Psychological Skills Within Sport Injury Rehabilitation Programs, Jennifer Jordan Utley, Scott Martin, and Jason Walters
Submissions from 2007
Effects of stroke severity and training duration on locomotor recovery after stroke: a pilot study, Prudence Plummer, Andrea L. Behrman, Pamela W. Duncan, Pam Spigel, Dawn Saracino, Jennifer Martin, Emily Fox, Mary Thigpen, and Steve A. Kautz
Submissions from 2002
The Effect of a Neoprene Shoulder Stabilizer on Active Joint-Reposition Sense in Subjects With Stable and Unstable Shoulders., Jennifer C Chu, Edward J Kane, Brent L Arnold, and Bruce M Gansneder