Online ISSN: 2689-1662
Thank you for your interest in the Student Journal of Occupational Therapy.
SJOT accepts article submissions on a rolling basis.
The Student Journal of Occupational Therapy (SJOT) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal publishing research by students and alumni of occupational therapy. SJOT is managed and edited by students and alumni of the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences Occupational Therapy Program and published by the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences Library.
Please see our Aims and Scope page for a list of topics covered by the journal and the range of content appropriate for submission.
Current Issue: Volume 4, Issue 2 (2024)
Incorporating Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT) to Improve Handwriting Skills in Pediatric Occupational Therapy
Jessica M. Simon and Jessica McHugh
Entry-Level Occupational Therapy Student Volunteer Activities During COVID-19 and Beliefs about Practitioner Roles in Crisis Management
Olivia Biller, Frances Calingo, Tina M. DeAngelis, and Maclain Capron BA
The Perceptions of Different Disciplines on Early Childhood Interprofessional Teams Involving Occupational Therapy Services
Jessica Martinez-Peraza, Natalie Milliken, and Bonnie Riley

Issue Editors
- Jennifer Allison
- Megan Sandwith
- Adam Mills
- Destiny McElroy