Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Health Sciences (DHSc)


Health Sciences


Quality patient education has long been a concern for both patients and health care providers. While many clinicians support the importance of patient education, it is not known which theoretical education model supports best practice. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the Cognitive Apprenticeship Model (CA) when compared to traditional patient education. There were 34 individuals receiving therapy who volunteered to be in a treatment group that received patient education using the CA model. There were 24 individuals who were assigned to a control group who received traditional patient education.

While not all of the outcomes measured in this study showed significance as anticipated, several key outcomes showed statistical significances between the treatment group and the control group. Thus, supporting the hypotheses that the use of CA in patient education would improve patient outcomes, specifically in 1) Patient Specific function analysis outcomes questionnaire. 2) Pre-test vs post-test scores on patient’s knowledge about their condition and how to manage it. 3) Patient continued use of a home exercise program post discharge.

This is important in that the use of CA as a theoretical educational model for patient education resulted in better patient compliance with home exercises four weeks after discharge from skilled therapy. Greater differences in pre-test vs post-test knowledge scores, indicating patient empowerment and greater understanding of the importance of their continued follow-up to care for themselves. This supports the concept that the teaching methods used in how patients are taught is relevant and equally important to what they are taught. As healthcare providers learn to become better teachers of their patients, engaging in the use of theoretically grounded teaching methods, patient outcomes are likely to improve. This results in best practice methods for the delivery of healthcare and improvements in patient outcomes.


Dissertation presented in partial fulfillment of the degree of Doctor of Health Sciences at the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences.
