This collection includes dissertations submitted in partial fulfillment of the degree requirements at the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences.
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Effect of Acute Care Discharge Delays on Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility (IRF) Utilization, Eric Garrard
Holistic Occupations: Education and Counterbalance to Activate Learning and Development, David Ledesma
Relationship of Emotional Intelligence to Workplace Stress and Burnout in Behavior Analysts, Elia Santos
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Neurodiagnostic Program Director Perceptions on Low Enrollments, Daniella Krantz
The Effects of Using Case-Based Learning in a Flipped Classroom on First-Semester Nursing Students' Exam Scores, Jocelyn Wiltz
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Effect of Simulation Learning on Graduate Student Attitudes Toward Interprofessional Teams and the Team Approach to Care, Norman Cadiz Belleza
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Physical Therapists’ Perceptions of Barriers to the Use of Evidence-based Fall Prevention Intervention with Individuals of 65 Years of Age or Older, Charles Agbonghae
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Physical Therapist Assistant Student Success in Traditional 15- versus Seven-Week Courses at a Community College: A Single Institution Case Study, Tammy R. Marcin
Examination of Athletic Trainer’s Perceptions on Mentoring Relationships, Nicole Anne Wilkins
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Asynchronous Video and the Development of Instructor Social Presence and Student Engagement, Kayla E. Collins
Patient Education Using the Cognitive Apprenticeship Model: A Study for Rehabilitation Specialists, Paul M. Dye
Teaching Joint Mobilizations in Physical Therapist Assistant Programs: Implications for Instruction and Policy, Renae H. Gorman
Dosing of Education for Patients Newly Diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, Laura K. Miller
Faculty Perceptions of Readiness to Implement Interprofessional Education in Athletic Training, Meredith M. Parry
The Effect of Team-Based Learning in a Neurorehabilitation Course within a Physical Therapy Assistant Academic Program, Laurie A. Schroder
Employing Service Learning to Promote Student Self-Efficacy in Occupational Therapy Education, Erin E. Schwier
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
A Study Examining Practice Style Traits of Physical Therapists: Do They Explain Practice Behaviors and Knowledge Translation?, Kristen M. Johnson
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Achievement Motivation and Study Strategies of Graduate Students: Testing Boundary Conditions of Theoretical Constructs, Kevin R. Francom