Date of Award

Summer 7-17-2024

Document Type

Scholarly Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)

First Advisor

Dr. Theresa Pape

Second Advisor

Dr. Jessica Comstock


Practice Problem: The project targeted low job satisfaction and high nurse turnover in a Central Florida bone marrow transplant unit, impacting patient care and costs.

PICOT: (P) For registered nurses (RNs) on the bone marrow transplant unit, (I) does implementing an evidence-based practice employee recognition program (C) compared to no employee recognition program, (O) lead to an increase in job satisfaction (T) over 10 weeks?

Evidence: The evidence supported the effectiveness of meaningful recognition programs, such as personalized verbal acknowledgment from leadership, in boosting job satisfaction among nurses.

Intervention: The intervention involved nurse managers using a weekly employee recognition program. Nurse managers provided meaningful recognition to nurses to improve job satisfaction and nurse retention, which showed improved outcomes by week 10 compared to before the intervention.

Outcome: The study revealed a significant increase in overall job satisfaction after meaningful recognition encounters (p = .024). Agreement on recognition for good job performance rose (Q5_postsurvey median = 5.00) compared to before (Q5_presurvey median = 3.00), highlighting the effective enhancement of nurse job satisfaction through verbal recognition interventions.

Conclusion: The project successfully enhanced nurse job satisfaction through a weekly verbal recognition program, supported by significant increases in overall job satisfaction and specific recognition perceptions post-intervention.


Scholarly project submitted to the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Nursing Practice.

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