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Conference Proceeding

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Distance students are often at the disadvantage of not receiving the same interactive information literacy instruction as their on-campus counterparts. The University of St. Augustine library, which supports four completely online degree programs in addition to campus-based programs, created a one credit, self-paced, online course called Information Literacy for Evidence-Based Practice in order to better reach our distance students. Though evidence-based practice (EBP) is a popular concept, studies show that many practitioners are not actually doing it. One reason the practitioners themselves cite is lack of skill in searching the literature. The goal of the credit-course is to help our students learn the skills necessary for using EBP throughout their careers. The online, self-paced delivery of the course ensures that distance students have access to information literacy instruction in a convenient format and on a familiar platform.


This poster was originally presented at the FACRL (Florida Association of College & Research Libraries) Fall Program, October 18, 2013, in St. Pete Beach, FL. Additional resources available:
