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In most cases, an occupational therapist’s role in a post-secondary transition includes improving adolescents with disabilities’ functional preparedness to transition from a special education setting, into adult-based roles. Much of this work is explained by the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), and only encompasses occupational therapy’s role in post-secondary transitions for adolescents with a diagnosed disability. Unfortunately, these resources, programs, and services are not available to adolescents who do not have a disability. This barrier of not providing similar services or programs to adolescents without a disability creates a lack of opportunity for these individuals to explore possible career paths. This barrier also creates lack of instruction on completing necessary applications and forms, decreased knowledge of resume writing, poorly developed interview skills, and overall, a minimal number of available resources about the options after high school.
Publication Date
Summer 8-19-2024
University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences
Occupational Therapy, High School Students, Socioeconomics, Transitions, Post-Secondary
Medical Subject Headings
Occupational Therapy, High School Students, Socioeconomics, Transitions, Post-Secondary
Occupational Therapy | Secondary Education | Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling
Recommended Citation
Howell, A., Greer, M., & Spell-Hernandez, K. (2024, August 19). An Occupational Therapy Perspective of Post Secondary Transitions for High School Students: Considering Socioeconomics and Opportunities. Poster presented at the Virtual OTD Capstone Symposium, University of St Augustine for Health Sciences. Retrieved from

Included in
Occupational Therapy Commons, Secondary Education Commons, Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling Commons
Poster presented at the Virtual OTD Capstone Symposium, held online at the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences August 19, 2024