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The older adult population of those in the age group 65+ is one of the fastest growing populations in the following years. This project sought to identify what barriers older adults of low socioeconomic status face when trying to access transportation to healthcare appointments. The project also sought to understand what barriers healthcare professionals saw when their senior clients tried using transportation as well as what opportunities occupational therapists have to address the barriers if any. There was a theme of disconnect which appeared between healthcare professionals and their senior clients across multiple healthcare disciplines. This project was able to identify the barriers seniors face as well as the role that occupational therapists can assume when working with this population. Occupational therapists are able to assume consultative roles as well as address transportation with clients being discharged from inpatient care.

Publication Date

Summer 8-11-2022


University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences


Older adults, occupational therapy, disconnect, low socioeconomic status, seniors

Medical Subject Headings

Health Care Services Accessibility, Inpatients, Transportation, Occupational Therapy, Aged, Humans


Geriatrics | Occupational Therapy | Transportation


Poster presented at the Virtual OTD Capstone Symposium, held online at the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences August 5-11, 2022.

Transportation as a Barrier to Healthcare Access for Older Adults of Low Socioeconomic Status



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