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Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is a grappling martial art derived from Judo and primarily uses chokeholds and joint locks to incapacitate an attacker. These techniques require little strength and can apply tremendous amounts of force to anatomically weaker areas of the body. BJJ is a growing martial art due to its popularity in self-defense and its effectiveness in sports like mixed martial arts (MMA). This study uses a phenomenological approach and aims to increase the understanding of the form, function, and meaning of BJJ through the lived experiences of BJJ practitioners from different experience levels. Participants will be recruited and interviewed from one BJJ academy either in person or through Zoom and transcripts will be coded. Themes will be later identified. Implications include understanding of BJJ on a deeper level. Human beings express themselves through their participation in their selected occupations which also correlates with their overall health and quality of life. Occupational science is the study of occupations, and it allows occupational therapists to understand occupations on a deeper level which then helps create meaningful interventions.

Publication Date

Summer 8-12-2021


University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences


Occupational Therapy, Martial Arts, Quality of Life

Medical Subject Headings

Occupational Therapy, Martial Arts, Quality of Life


Occupational Therapy | Sports Sciences


Poster presented at the Summer 2021 Virtual OTD Capstone Symposium at the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences held online on August 12, 2021.

Exploring the Form, Function, and Meaning of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
