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The first portion of this project involved conducting original research to answer the question: What is the current knowledge, attitudes, and application of haircare (grooming & styling) as an intervention in occupational therapy? There is currently a lack in occupational therapy-based literature that addresses the occupation.

The dissimilarities amongst client and the plethora of occupations they engage in are multidimensional. Values attached to occupations often depend on cultural and sociopolitical factors (Wilcock & Townsend, 2019). OTs are currently lacking knowledge regarding the cultural importance of hairstyling within different communities and the impact on occupational identity.

Most people outside of the Black community have little to no education about Black hair. At present, there are no educational programs that inform OTs of the needs of Black hair. The purpose of this project was to develop an educational program for OTs on the cultural importance of hairstyling for women within the Black community and the effects it plays on their occupational identity and ultimately occupational performance throughout their different life stages. Data gained from the first portion of the capstone experience was used to inform the creation the educational course. The program aimed to provide education to assist practitioners in better providing client-centered interventions for Black women regarding haircare.

Publication Date

Fall 12-9-2021


University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences

Medical Subject Headings

Hair, Female, Blacks, Grooming, Social Identification, Cultural Competency, Occupational Therapy


Occupational Therapy


Poster presented at the Fall 2021 Virtual OTD Capstone Symposium held online at the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences, December 9-10, 2021.

Occupational Therapy & Black Women’s Hair: An Educational Course
