Scapular Mobilization Combined with Thoracic Manipulation for Treating Subacromial Impingement Syndrome in an Elderly Female: A Case Report
Tyler Alford and David Kempfert
Purpose: To describe the treatment of a patient with Subacromial Impingement Syndrome (SAIS) pathology utilizing a combination of manual therapy techniques at the scapulothoracic joint and the upper thoracic spine along with more traditional scapular stabilization exercises.
Ease into It. Effects of Mobilization with Movement Utilizing Patients Body Weight
Casey Brown and Matthew L. Daugherty
The purpose of this case report is to utilize mobilization with movement (MWM) to restore knee flexion in a patient with delayed quadriceps tendon repair.
Walk It Like You Talk It, Like a Champ with Some Amp
Sam Chukwuma and Anne H. Boddy
The purpose of this case report is to measure the effectiveness of amplified movement therapy to improve functional balance and gait in a post-stroke patient.
TRX® Suspension Training in Improving Single Leg Strength and Confidence in a Female Soccer Player Post ACL Reconstruction
Allison Evron and David Kempfert
The purpose of this case report is to describe the combination of TRX® suspension training with a functional lower extremity rehabilitation program in an ACLR patient whose lacking dynamic knee control and lower extremity strength and endurance.
When All Else Fails: Management of an Irreparable Rotator Cuff with Capsular Reconstruction and Physical Therapy Targeting Accommodative Musculature
Savannah Faulk and Douglas Steele
The purpose of this case report is to describe the rehabilitative outcomes on a superior capsular reconstruction surgery following the re-injury of a surgically repaired rotator cuff (RTC) and glenoid labrum that was deemed irreparable.
Myofascial Manipulation to Alleviate Forearm and Hand Weakness and Numbness in a Female Competitive Rock Climber
Ben Kern and Evan M. Pucillo
The purpose of this case report is to describe the effectiveness of myofascial manipulation along with therapeutic exercise on a patient with weakness, numbness, and tingling in the distal upper extremities in order to return to competitive rock climbing.
Relieve Pain and Continue to Train! Dry Needling Intervention for Foot Tendinopathies
Aubrey Kuester and Lisa Chase
The purpose of this case report is to describe a multimodal physical therapy intervention of dry-needling, manual therapy and low-dye anti-pronation taping for a female marathon runner with bilateral plantar fasciitis, Achilles and peroneal tendinopathies.
Physical Therapy Management of a Patient with Hypermobile type Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome for Treatment of Cervicogenic Headaches: A Case Report
Cody A. Leeworthy and Jeffrey A. Rot
The purpose of this case report was to demonstrate the management of a patient diagnosed with hEDS for treatment of Cervicogenic headaches with the use of the CCFT protocol.
The Effectiveness of Physical Therapy Interventions for a Six-Year-Old Boy with Monosomy 18p
Grace Lewis and Catherine M. Andrea
The purpose of this case report is to explain the utilization and effectiveness of physical therapy interventions for improving gross motor abilities in a six-year-old boy diagnosed with Monosomy 18p.
Monkey See, Monkey Do! Utilization of Yoga Intervention for a Child with Non-Verbal Autism
Elaina Prevatte and Catherine M. Andrea
The purpose of this case report is to describe the effects of yoga intervention with traditional physical therapy on motor performance and visual attention in a young girl with non-verbal ASD.
Walkin’ On Air: Alter-G Gait Training in a Male with Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia
Kimberly Richardson and Evan M. Pucillo
The purpose of this case report is to determine the effectiveness of LBPPS treadmill training, using the Alter-G, to improve the spatiotemporal parameters of gait for a patient with HSP.
To Transplant or Not to Transplant? The Successful Treatment of a Lateral Meniscus Transplant
Jaime Rubin and Matthew L. Daugherty
The purpose of this case report was to demonstrate how physical therapists can successfully manage a young patient who received the rare lateral meniscal transplant procedure.
An Orthopedic Solution to a Neurological Problem -Core Stabilization Post Stroke: A Case Report
James E. Smith and Lindsay Perry
The purpose of this case report is to report the outcomes of combining manual therapy techniques for spinal mobility and stability with traditional neurological approaches to stroke rehabilitation.
Non-Organic Motor Disorder: Combatting the Effects of Stress on Functional Mobility
Kelsi Taylor and Lindsay Perry
The purpose of the case report was to show how neurological symptoms can be effectively treated with task-specific interventions and the role of stress in symptom presentation in patients with somatoform disorders.
Can you Dig? Returning to Volleyball after Arthroscopic Medial Plica Excision
Kelsy Wheeler and Lisa Chase
The purpose of this case report is to describe the rehabilitation and return-to-sport process following arthroscopic medial plica excision for a patient who had previously undergone unsuccessful conservative management for anterior knee pain.
Reforming Range of Motion: The Use of the Pilates Reformer in a Female with Postoperative Adhesive Capsulitis
Lanzi A. Young and Larry J. Mengelkoch
The purpose of this case report is to describe the rehabilitation outcomes of a 62-year-old female with post operative adhesive capsulitis using Pilates-based intervention in conjunction with standard Physical Therapy.
This collection gathers research posters presented at the Spring 2018 Research Day on the St. Augustine, FL, campus of the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences. Students and faculty members collaborated on these poster presentations.
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