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Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) refer to traumatic situations that a child may face during the early developmental stages of life (Felitti et al., 1998). According to research, the detrimental effects of adversity and emotional distress may contribute to poor outcomes in adulthood. Research has shown that exposure to adversity can change a child's molecular and genetic system and influence the development and functioning of their neurological, immune, and endocrine systems. There is a significant public health concern considering the long-term implications of adverse childhood experiences on an individual's overall well-being (Boullier & Blair, 2018). This project aims to conduct a needs assessment to determine an effective program to bring nature indoors. This project aims to raise awareness about the benefits of outdoor therapy for adolescents experiencing trauma receiving treatment indoors. This project will provide an individualized approach to meeting the client's needs through nature-based play.

Publication Date

Spring 4-10-2024


University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences


Nature-Based therapy, Occupational therapy, Adverse childhood experiences, Traditional clinics

Medical Subject Headings

Nature-Based therapy, Occupational therapy, Adverse childhood experiences, Traditional clinics


Medicine and Health Sciences | Occupational Therapy


Poster presented at the Virtual OTD Capstone Symposium held online at the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences on April 10-17, 2024.

Integrating Nature-Based Occupational Therapy in Traditional Clinical Settings: Addressing Adverse Childhood Experiences
