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Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurological and developmental disorder that affects many college students, impacting their everyday life activities and making transitions challenging. Occupational therapists serve a role in treating students with autism, but there is little evidence in the literature about their perceived barriers and strengths during the high school to college transition. This study utilized a semi-structured interview & thematic analysis to uncover the unique challenges & successes these students with autism face in an academic setting & identify effective support mechanisms/barriers.
Research Questions:
What are the perceived barriers to participation and performance in academic activities among college students with autism?
What are the perceived supports to participation and performance in academic activities among college students with autism?
What are the perceived barriers in transitioning from high school to college among college students with autism?
What are the perceived strengths in transitioning from high school to college among college students with autism?
Six participants participated in one audio-recorded 30-minute semi-structured interview and were asked open-ended questions to establish emergent themes related to supports and barriers to transition to college. This study revealed that strong interpersonal support, such as early OT services and peer encouragement, were vital for building confidence and social skills, while poor interpersonal skills presented notable challenges. Intrapersonal supports, including self-awareness, helped students manage academic and emotional challenges, but issues like poor ADL execution and denial of autism created significant obstacles. Environmental supports, such as access to accommodations, were essential, but barriers like unclear communication and insufficient listening from schools hindered success.
Publication Date
Summer 8-20-2024
University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences
Occupational therapy, Academic success, Autistic disorder, Students, Qualitative research, Autistic college students
Medical Subject Headings
Academic success, Autistic disorder, Students, Qualitative research, Autistic college students
Disability Studies | Environmental Studies | Occupational Therapy
Recommended Citation
Ortiz, I. M., Gerardi, S. M., & Zadnik, M. (2024, August 20). Barriers and Supports to Academic Success Among Autistic College Students: A Qualitative Study. Poster presented at the Virtual OTD Capstone Symposium, University of St Augustine for Health Sciences. Retrieved from