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This project focused on the development of an educational manual on sensory processing disorder (SPD) for educators. The manual was created as a resource to enhance teachers' understanding of SPD and confidence in implementing sensory-based interventions and accommodations in the classroom for students who have sensory processing difficulties.
Publication Date
Summer 8-9-2024
University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences
sensory processing, education, manual, deliverable, occupational therapy, pediatrics, school system, educators, teachers
Medical Subject Headings
sensory processing
Occupational Therapy | Pediatrics | Pre-Elementary, Early Childhood, Kindergarten Teacher Education
Recommended Citation
Dent, B., & Gutierrez, Z. (2024, August 9). Development of a Sensory-Based Intervention Manual for Educators. Poster presented at the Virtual OTD Capstone Symposium, University of St Augustine for Health Sciences. Retrieved from

Included in
Occupational Therapy Commons, Pediatrics Commons, Pre-Elementary, Early Childhood, Kindergarten Teacher Education Commons
Poster presented at the in-person OTD Capstone Symposium, held at the University of St. Augustine on August 9, 2024.