College and Career Readiness for Adolescents

College and Career Readiness for Adolescents

Nadia Banuelos, University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences
Susan MacDermott, University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences

Poster presented at the Summer 2023 Virtual OTD Capstone Symposium held online at the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences on August 2-9, 2023


Occupational therapists (OTs) provide services within the schools. However, they are mainly offered to students with disabilities through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, or IDEA. The IDEA was created by the U.S. Department of Education (n.d) to support early education and services appropriate for the public school’s eligible children. OTs have the skills to help students with and without disabilities. AOTA (2017), mentions how occupational therapists are able to partner with school districts to help students achieve future success through their help preparing for future employment opportunities and enhancing (or another word) life skills to support community integration.

The purpose of this proposed capstone program is to develop a comprehensive transition program for all adolescent students at a public high school to prepare them for participation in post-secondary activities (e.g., education and employment).