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Sexuality is multifaceted and is developed across the lifespan. Researchers report little advancement, consistency, and knowledge regarding incorporation of sexuality into occupational therapy (OT) curricula, which supports the need for research. The purpose of this capstone project was two-fold: a) to conduct a content analysis of an entry-level OT curriculum to identify content gaps regarding addressing sexuality in practice; and b) to develop sexuality-based educational materials as a resource for the faculty for potential inclusion in future courses. The Model of Human Occupation (MOHO) is an evidenced-based model that was used in this project, in conjunction with notional sexuality educational standards, to frame the content analysis and develop sexuality-based materials. A curricular matrix was created to chart the extracted data based on the notional sexuality educational standards and constructs of MOHO. Results of this curricular analysis identified educational gaps within the OT curriculum. Of the 30 courses reviewed, 16 (53.33%) mentioned sexuality within online units, required readings, or assignments. However, 13 (43.3%) addressed sexuality only in passing, with no link to occupation. Required readings were noted as the most frequently used teaching method for sexuality content and the MOHO construct most frequently focused on was performance capacity. This indicates that although sexuality is mentioned throughout the OT curriculum, in most instances, it was not presented in depth. Based on analysis of findings, sexuality-based materials were created and implemented.
Publication Date
University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences
occupational therapy, occupational therapy education, sexuality, content analysis, curricular analysis
Medical Subject Headings
Occupational Therapy, Curriculum, Sexuality, Education, Professional
Curriculum and Instruction | Higher Education | Occupational Therapy
Recommended Citation
Ontiberos, V. E., Gerardi, S. M., & DeLuca, E. (2022, April 13). Sexuality Based Content in an Entry- Level Occupational Therapy Curriculum: A Content Analysis. Poster presented at the Virtual OTD Capstone Symposium, University of St Augustine for Health Sciences. Retrieved from

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Curriculum and Instruction Commons, Higher Education Commons, Occupational Therapy Commons
Poster presented at the Virtual OTD Capstone Symposium, held online at the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences April 12-14, 2022.