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Description: Mental health is essential for overall health because it affects emotional, psychological, and social well-being, which affects how individuals feel, act, and think (Center for Disease [CDC], 2022). Everyone can react differently to the same issue, which can cause diverse health risks (Gopalkrishnan, 2018). Mental health affects how people handle stress, interact with others, make choices, and participate in occupations that are important to them (CDC, 2022). Mental health issues are most prevalent in young adult, teen, and pre-teen populations.

By promoting based karate program, occupational therapy can prevent and/or reduce mental health issues (Bird, et al., 2019; Jurewicz, 2015). The OT-based karate program will benefit young adults, teens, and pre-teens by using karate to reduce anxiety, depression, and stress. The outcome measures of this capstone project will be obtained using the following assessments: Needs assessment and Zoho survey. According to Moore et al., (2020), there is evidence supporting martial arts training as an effective sports-based mental health intervention that improves the participants’ well-being and reduces symptoms related to their mental health. The kawa model will be used as a frame of reference for the OT-based karate program. This model uses the metaphor for the flow of the river to represent life flow, and the tree, logs, and stones in the water represent the challenges, obstacles, or personal experiences that are slowing down the person’s river from flowing to their fullest potential, as related to their mental health status (Naidoo et al., 2023).

Publication Date

Summer 8-9-2024


University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences


Karate, Pediatric mental health, Children mental health, Karate Children, Mental health karate

Medical Subject Headings

Occupational Therapy, Martial Arts, Pediatrics


Mental and Social Health | Occupational Therapy


Poster presented at the Virtual OTD Capstone Symposium, held online at the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences on August, 2024

Karate for Adolescent’s Mental Health
