Author ORCID Identifier
Kriza G. Ganotisi:
Faye Angelene J. Barangay:
Andrew A. Galang:
Wina Frances Q. Lazaro:
Christopher U. Rivera:
Ryan Dean T. Sucgang:
Introduction. This study was conducted to determine the health literacy on physical therapy (PT) among senior citizens with physical disability and community health workers (CHWs). Specifically, it identified the sociodemographic profile of the CHWs and senior citizens with physical disability, their extent of health literacy on PT as to prose, document and numeracy and how health policies, availability of PT programs, and available equipment and facilities for the rendition of PT services affect their health literacy.
Methods. This study employed a descriptive research design. The respondents of the study involved 18 CHWs and 29 senior citizens. It was conducted in Brgy. Cabuusan Currimao, Ilocos Norte, Brgy. Ganagan, and Brgy. Sangil Bacarra, Ilocos Norte. Descriptive statistics was utilized in the analysis of the data gathered specifically using frequency and weighted mean and standard deviation.
Results. The sociodemographic profile of CHWs shows most are aged 40–69, with older CHWs often excelling due to experience. The majority were women, reflecting caregiving roles but facing recognition challenges. Service length varied, with extensive experience linked to higher competency and health literacy, particularly in physical health care. Most CHWs had only a high school education, which may hinder understanding of complex topics like physical therapy. Senior citizens with musculoskeletal disabilities, such as arthritis, comprised a significant portion of respondents, emphasizing the need for specialized health literacy in physical therapy.
Discussion. The results findings highlight the need for ongoing training in physical therapy to enhance CHW competency. Gender disparities reflect societal challenges affecting recognition of women’s roles. Limited education among CHWs underscores the importance of incorporating specialized health knowledge into training. For seniors, the prevalence of musculoskeletal disabilities emphasizes improving health literacy in physical therapy to counter misinformation and aid rehabilitation. Educating both CHWs and seniors could significantly improve health outcomes and disability management.
Recommended Citation
Ganotisi, K. G., Barangay, F. J., Galang, A. A., Lazaro, W. Q., Rivera, C. U., & Sucgang, R. T. (2024). Health literacy on physical ttherapy among senior citizens with physical disability and barangay health workers. Philippine Journal of Physical Therapy, 3(3), 3-15.
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Community Health and Preventive Medicine Commons, Physical Therapy Commons, Physiotherapy Commons, Public Health Education and Promotion Commons